About Webel's Live Online Educational Consultancy Service for SysML/MBSE, help preparing for the OCSMP exams, UML, OCL, and more

Webel IT Australia does not currently hold pre-advertised public courses for individuals to attend. Our courses are offered for private group training by direct arrangement with organisations.

Context and structural model for the RadioNet, NetSession, and RadioStation

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[EXTERNAL LINKS] Cameo Simulation Toolkit (aka Magic Model Analyst) videos and guides


A collection of EXTERNAL links (scroll down) to videos, slides, and other guides on Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®). These links are included here as additional resources and do not replace the Webel IT Australia online SysML/MBSE educational resources or the Webel training course materials:

Dr Darren says: Don't be scared to put yourself out there with your SysML Diagrams in public and in your work with colleagues

Dr Darren explains:

Many years ago, on a very old version of the Webel site, I had up a quick attempt at mapping out the families of physics particles in SysML. Although I have a PhD in physics (astrophysics), and had even worked at the DESY particle accelerator institute (on data analysis, and modelling and operating the machines, not particle physics), I am not an expert in particle physics.

Dr Darren's Open Letter to the LinkedIn groups for MBSE, SysML, MagicDraw, and INCOSE concerning comment and message replies

Dr Darren says:
Welcome, if you have been referred here it may be in response to my sending a link to this page in reply to your comments or questions on LinkedIn.
To all LinkedIn groups involving MBSE, Systems Engineering, SysML, and the MagicDraw/Cameo tools,

I am no longer offering comments or answering questions in comment threads (or in reply to LinkedIn messages) on any LinkedIn group involving MBSE, SysML, or SysML tools.

Q: What types of simulation, execution, and calculation are available for SysML with MagicDraw/Cameo?


There are a number of ways of simulating and executing various aspects of Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®), and they are not just novelties! They also really help your models become more robust, logical, and organised.

There is "internal" tool simulation of Activities and StateMachines based on fUML (or variations of it).

Webel's Best Practice policy notes for MBSE with SysML1.x (and UML) and the MagicDraw/Cameo tools

The Webel Best Practice items for SysML (and for supporting UML) - tuned for the MagicDraw/Cameo tools - represent the world's most comprehensive guide to robust, fluent, enjoyable, consistent modelling for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), developed over two decades, and proven to work on extremely demanding real-world projects!

Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) zone

The product bundle formerly known as Cameo Systems Modeler® is now offered as Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® and includes the following No Magic components:
  • MagicDraw Enterprise
  • SysML Plugin
  • Cameo Requirements Modeler Plugin
  • Cameo DataHub Plugin
  • Merge Plugin
  • Cameo Data Modeler Plugin

Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) is a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) en

MagicDraw UML (Magic Software Architect) zone

Dr Darren of Webel IT Australia is a long-term MagicDraw® user, and previously worked for the developers No Magic Inc as a consultant and trainer (Expert Advisor for Science, Engineering, and Education).
This zone is primarily about applications of MagicDraw® to software engineering wi