Ownership (containment, packaging) of SysML model elements is really not as important as some might make it out to be. Don't let it stultify your modelling or constantly take you out of your modelling zone.
Some MBSE strategies derived from older Document Intensive Systems Engineering methodologies might make it seem as if the sky will fall down like in "Chicken Little" if everything isn't exactly in its "correct" place from the get go. But modern MBSE tools like Cameo and SysML itself make it much easier to manage this concern than when those original document-intensive methodologies were conceived.
Focus instead on a more "logical" and narrative-driven modelling approach. Avoid over-use of modelling constructs that depend on the Element ownership:
One good approach is to perform regular ownership "housekeeping" sweeps to clean things up. In MagicDraw/Cameo you can even move relationships around easily directly in the model browser.
In Package Diagrams and Webel-style "focus" BDDs, it is a good idea to only indicate ownership on elements that are not from the same Package (or Model package):
If you are using Shared Packages ownership is important. You can use the Dependency Manager to check for cross-dependencies due to ownership.
Use Generic Table query views to check the ownership of elements regularly! Don't just rely on Diagrams and the model browser, use query views, use them often. Show the owner of model elements in query views (often at the leftmost column is best). Use derived relationships and metachain navigation to reveal the wider ownerships of related elements.