Please note that whilst 'InterruptibleRegion' is referenced in UML-2.5.1 and fUML-1.4, there is no metaclass InterruptibleRegion. Visit also InterruptibleActivityRegion.
Although fUML does not support InterruptibleActivityRegion, one can use an InterruptibleActivityRegion in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®), which uses an adapted form of fUML. For some reason the Cameo implementation does not display the «interruptibleRegion» keyword (in the image above «interruptibleRegion» has been added using the element name).
On the edge out of the region from the interrupting AcceptEventAction use the Mark edge as interrupting smart manipulator with the little "z" icon. It will then display the interruption "lighting bolt" icon on the edge.
For a demonstration visit this mini video:
Indeed one can interrupt a regular StructuredActivityNode using a basic AcceptEventAction or a AcceptEventAction with a TimeEvent. Simply have a ControlFlow from the "interrupting" AcceptEventAction to an ActivityFinal within the StructuredActivityNode, or a ControlFlow from the "interrupting" AcceptEventAction to outside the StructuredActivityNode.