SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Use query view tables, matrices, and maps, use them a lot! They help communicate well with other stakeholders. Learn how to use the Generic Table diagram type, custom relations, Simple Navigation & Metachain Navigation (expert)!

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Use query view tables and matrix query views across your SysML model and use them a lot, right from the get go, as soon as you start any project.

They offer alternative views of your system that supplement your graphical modelling and promote an "orthogonal" mindset. They also help communicate well with other stakeholders who may not be fluent with the SysML graphical notations.

Learn how to use MagicDraw/Cameo Generic Table diagram type, how to add additional columns via custom relationships, and - where Simple Navigation is not enough - the very powerful Metachain Navigation system, which is an expert feature that requires some knowledge of the underlying metamodel of SysML, but it's actually not so hard once you get the hang of it.

There are also some preset Table Diagram types, which you can easily customise.

You should also become familiar with the family of Dependency Matrix diagrams and the various Map Diagrams, for which there are also some good preset forms you can adapt.

The implied relationship mechanism is particularly useful!

It can be used in particular for implied Satisfy tracing for Requirements Engineering.

Some projects have particular reporting obligations for Interface Control Documents (ICDs) and other systems engineering reports. If customisation of the basic Generic Table does not meet your needs, you can use the tool's Document Report Designer, Document Report Designer, Spreadsheet Report Designer diagrams, and the Report Wizard which uses the Velocity Templates Engine.

Visit also: Some examples of applications of query view tables and matrix views on this site:

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