SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOW send to an intended recipient via a shared Port? ATTEMPT: Using multiple Connectors to every candidate recipient without a mediating hub [with mini video]


In Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®). CHALLENGE PROBLEM: If a remote 'target' can't be combined with a local 'onPort' how can one send to ONLY one receiver via a multi-connected Port? The ideal solution would not require a dedicated additional routing hub.

WORKAROUND #1: Use an additional dedicated Port (does not scale well).

WORKAROUND #2: Use id-based intended recipient testing. Whilst this approach works and scales well, it represents a possible security issue, since a message intended for one recipient is received by others.

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Ultimately, this challenge problem may be ill-posed. Connectors (in a specific higher context) offer decoupling from the sending Port, but coupling of the connection context, which might be add odds with the stated aim. Indeed using a "secure" intermediate Hub that identifies the intended recipient of each Signal and forwards accordingly may be the only robust solution, as shown here:

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