Webel Radio Net: 'channel' SysML Package Diagram

The 'channel' Model package defines an abstract CommunicationChannel, an abstract RadioChannel, and digital and analog variants.
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The details of the various digital and analog radio channel blocks are not important for the Webel Radio Net simulation, and serve only as indication of how one might go about modelling them. All that matters here is that an AnalogRadioChannel will be used and inherits a value property f:RadioFrequency.

If you've been following this tutorial trail carefully you might have noticed that RadioChannel is used in the attribute ch:RadioChannel of the InitSession Signal exchange item. When using a formal systems engineering methodology one might have separate high-level "problem" space exchange items and more detailed variants in the "solution" space, where the "problem" space exchange items would not reference elements in the "solution" space.

But in the pragmatic Webel Radio Net model there is no separate "problem" and "solution" spaces, and all exchange items are shared across the model and may freely reference elements in the 'structure' Model package.

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