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MagicDraw UML
DISCLAIMER: Webel IT Australia does not represent No Magic or Dassault Systèmes - the developers of the MagicDraw® UML (aka Magic Software Architect), MagicDraw SysML Plugin, Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®), and Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) tools. Webel IT Australia offers IT Training Courses in UML® and SysML® and in expert use of these supporting tools. Please refer sales and technical support questions to No Magic.
The Webel Recipe for SysML-friendly Wolfram Language coding in Mathematica
As part of a long term project developed, initially during work for a client, Webel IT Australia in partnership with GreenSoft Pty Ltd is developing a very complex Mathematica application with substantial SysML modelling support.
No Magic Inc vs Dassault Systèmes 3DS CATIA Magic product names for UML/SysML tools
No Magic Inc., the original developers of the MagicDraw/Cameo tools for Unified Modeling Language (UML®) and Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) - were acquired in 2017/2018 by Dassault Systèmes, and the MagicDraw/Cameo family of software tools have been rebranded.
Screencast: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: v19SP3: Analysis: When a Property is typed by an abstract Block an instance of a concrete specialising Block will automatically be created and assigned even when the lower multiplicity is 0
Video style
This screencast video is an analysis of this suspected issue:
It also includes a nice demo of using an Activity and Actions to simulate instance creation and assignment in Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulatio
Q: What types of simulation, execution, and calculation are available for SysML with MagicDraw/Cameo?
There are a number of ways of simulating and executing various aspects of Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®), and they are not just novelties! They also really help your models become more robust, logical, and organised.
There is "internal" tool simulation of Activities and StateMachines based on fUML (or variations of it).
HOWTO return chain on a CallBehaviorAction for an Operation trigger of a Transition with an effect
MagicDraw/Cameo derived relationships and metachain navigation are very powerful and worth exploring
Webel's Best Practice policy notes for MBSE with SysML1.x (and UML) and the MagicDraw/Cameo tools
The Webel Best Practice items for SysML (and for supporting UML) - tuned for the MagicDraw/Cameo tools - represent the world's most comprehensive guide to robust, fluent, enjoyable, consistent modelling for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), developed over two decades, and proven to work on extremely demanding real-world projects!
Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Send and receive a Signal using a SendSignalAction and an AcceptEventAction
Video style
A very simple demonstration of sending a Signal using a SendSignalAction and receiving it with an AcceptEventAction within Activities. Uses SysML but the same applies to UML.
Uses Cameo Simulation Toolkit for MagicDraw SysML and Cameo System Modeler.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with doActivity and a Transition with a ChangeEvent trigger
Video style
A very simple demonstration of a StateMachine with a doActivity and a Transition that uses a trigger with a ChangeEvent for checking a value. Uses SysML but the same applies to UML.
Uses Magic Model Analyst® (Cameo Simulation Toolkit®) for MagicDraw SysML and Cameo System Modeler Enterprise Edition.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with entry Activity and Transition guard
Video style
A very simple demonstration of a StateMachine with an entry Activity and Transitions that use guards to check a value. Uses SysML but the same applies to UML.
Uses Cameo Simulation Toolkit for MagicDraw SysML and Cameo System Modeler.
© Copyright 2020 Darren R C Kelly (Webel IT Australia). All rights reserved.
MagicDraw UML (Magic Software Architect) zone
Dr Darren of Webel IT Australia is a long-term MagicDraw® user, and previously worked for the developers No Magic Inc as a consultant and trainer (Expert Advisor for Science, Engineering, and Education).
This zone is primarily about applications of MagicDraw® to software engineering wi