Contact Webel about SysML/MBSE consultancy & training and Wolfram Mathematica services

You can leave a message for Webel IT Australia using the contact form below. Or phone us in Sydney on +61 405 029 008 to discuss your requirements.

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Webel IT Australia is currently AVAILABLE for ...

SysML/MBSE Training workshop seminars!

Webel IT Australia is available now for IT Training Workshops in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) for Model-Based Systems Engineering. Enquiries for SysML/MBSE IT Training for corporate and government group sessions are most welcome (we are not currently offering pre-advertised public sessions). The first available next training date is September 2024. Please provide information about your engineering domain needs using the contact form below.

We've made course enquiries easy for you!

There is now a Webel SysML/MBSE Course Info Pack PDF to assist you with your course enquiries and a comprehensive Webel Course Questionnaire PDF form for streamlining the application process. Available only to prospective Webel course clients. Please contact us to request copies.
We are offering a 30% discount off all SysML/MBSE course bookings secured by 30th September 2024! Contact us now to apply!

SysML/MBSE Consultancy services!

Webel IT Australia is available for SysML/MBSE Consultancy for tasks in industry, engineering, and science. Both shorter and longer term engagements are currently available. Nobody has more experience applying SysML for MBSE to challenging real world problems. We are Cameo Systems Modeler specialists!

Wolfram Mathematica data analysis, transformation, visualisation, and modelling services!

We also offer Wolfram Mathematica consultancy services for device modelling, engineering and physics simulations, mathematical analysis, data analysis, data transformation, advanced visualisation, and data integration across hybrid systems, both for standalone tasks and in combination with SysML and Model-Based Systems Engineering. We offer rapid GUI development with Mathematica for deployment to Wolfram Player Pro to capture Mathematica-driven solutions for end users.

Spreadsheet data extraction and migration

Webel IT Australia also offer a specialist spreadsheet data extraction and migration service using Wolfram Mathematica. Data can be extracted as structured component-oriented formats and written to database, or serialised as XML or JSON. We also develop powerful Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for analysis and visualisation of extracted data by end-users. Learn more ...
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