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A Note is a short categorised statement, claim, policy, tip, or issue tracker Throughout this site, content is often related to supporting Notes, and each Note page links back to the content pages that reference it! The Note and Snippet concepts are very closely related and they support each other.
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SysMLv2 will have a completely new way of dealing with instances. SysMLv2 instance, InstanceSpecification SysMLv2 SysML, Systems Modeling Language
CAVEAT SysMLv1: When using model queries (such as tables) for compliance with some older systems engineering docs you may not always be able to use anonymous Property names and anonymous instance level element names. Or try the owner context or the ID! Webel Best Practice, model query, table query, report generation, report extraction
CONVENTION, MODELLING, OPTION, TIP SysMLv1: UseCase scenario representations: On use of Activity Diagrams with swimlanes and/or Sequence Diagrams (Interactions): Actor or block-based custom «actor» on 1st (typically left) Lifeline/Swimlane, System/Subsystem on 2nd Lifeline/Swimlane SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 UseCase, Use Case scenario, Actor SysML Activity Diagram, Refine, Trace, SysML Use Case Diagram, SysML Sequence Diagram, custom block-based «actor», Allocate, ActivityAllocatePartition, swimlane Systems Modeling Language, SysML, MD SysML, Model-Based Systems Engineering, scenario
MODELLING, PROPOSAL, TIP SysMLv1: TIP: You can strengthen the ill-defined semantics of Property 'aggregation' (an AggregationKind) by applying custom Stereotypes to a Property, documented with its intended use. Not perfect, but better than not. EXAMPLE: «assembled» AggregationKind, AggregationKind::composite, AggregationKind::shared, AggregationKind::none, Property::aggregation, Stereotype, custom Stereotype, «keyword» SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Webel Best Practice
MODELLING, STYLE SysMLv1: Prefer not show Port symbols on the boundary of Block symbols in BDDs, just list them in compartments. One can't connect them in a BDD anyway. Recommend only show Port symbols in IBDs. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Port SysML Block Definition Diagram Webel Best Practice, SysMLv1, Systems Modeling Language, SysML
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: Synchronising ItemFlows on Connectors with ObjectFlows in Activities using the Item Flow Manager. Nice! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 InformationFlow::conveyed, UseCase::subject, Use Case scenario, Activity, Connector, InformationFlow::realizingConnector, InformationFlow::realizingMessage, InformationFlow::realizingActivityEdge ItemFlow, SysML Block Definition Diagram, SystemContext SysML, MD SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
MODELLING, TIP SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: Oh no, I lost my part or reference property? Where did it go? The Symbol Properties option for 'Show Association ends as Attributes' may help you find it! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Association, Association::memberEnd, Property::owningAssociation, Association::ownedEnd part property, MD:PartProperty, reference property, MD:ReferenceProperty Model-Based Systems Engineering, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, MagicDraw SysML, MD SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
GOTCHA, MODELLING, OPTION, TIP, WARNING SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: INTRINSIC GOTCHA: Care must be taken with ownership of Activities used as UseCase scenarios vs the ‘subject’ of the UseCase. Make sure you don’t get an Activity ‘context’ mismatch! It's up to you to manage it as intended. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 UseCase, Use Case scenario, UseCase::subject SysML Use Case Diagram, Block Systems Modeling Language, SysML, MD SysML, Model-Based Systems Engineering, scenario
DISPLAY, ISSUE, TOOL SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: If redisplay of an Association with an InformationFlow or ItemFlow creates a strange extra dashed line with «ItemFlow» keywords (separate from the Association) just remove (only) that extra dashed line from the diagram. InformationFlow, InformationFlow::conveyed, InformationFlow::realization ItemFlow, SysML Block Definition Diagram Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw SysML
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: HOWTO show "missing" ItemFlows after using Display Related Elements to re-draw Associations and Connectors. Use the 'Show Realised Item Flows' and 'Realize All Item Flows' smart manipulators. InformationFlow::conveyed, InformationFlow, Association, Connector, InformationFlow::realizingConnector, InformationFlow::realization ItemFlow SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic
CONVENTION, FEATURE, MODELLING, OPTION, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: Having a SystemContext as the 'subject' of each main UseCase plays nicely with the feature for automated creation of usage-level allocation swimlanes in SysML Activity Diagrams for part properties. But it's not the only way. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 UseCase, Use Case scenario, Actor, UseCase::subject SysML Activity Diagram, swimlane, custom block-based «actor», part property, SystemContext Systems Modeling Language, SysML, MD SysML, Model-Based Systems Engineering, scenario, MagicGrid, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, primary scenario
MODELLING, OPTION, TIP SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: Automated creation of usage-level allocation swimlanes in SysML Activity Diagrams for part properties of a Block. EXAMPLE: A UseCase scenario within a SystemContext as UseCase ‘subject’. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 UseCase, Use Case scenario, Actor, UseCase::subject SysML Activity Diagram, swimlane, custom block-based «actor», part property Systems Modeling Language, SysML, MD SysML, Model-Based Systems Engineering, scenario
GOTCHA, ISSUE, LIMITATION, TOOL, WARNING SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: GOTCHA: Do not use Associations with Signal attributes, they will become null when fed as arguments for parameters to effect Behaviors of Transitions fUML-1.3, fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Association, Signal, attribute, Classifier::attribute, Transition, Transition::effect, Behavior, Parameter SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
GOTCHA, TIP SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: 2024x: GOTCHA: SendSignalAction: Nested Ports won't appear in the selection dialog for 'onPort' (or work for Drag n' Drop) unless «InvocationOnNestedPortAction» has been applied (they are filtered out). SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 InvocationAction::onPort, SendSignalAction InvocationOnNestedPortAction, InvocationOnNestedPortAction::onNestedPort SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit]
MODELLING, NAMING, TIP SysMLv1: An ItemFlow without an assigned 'itemProperty' is sometimes informally/casually referred to as an "information flow", especially when applied to an Association (because it is much like a UML InformationFlow), but formally it is a SysML ItemFlow. InformationFlow, InformationFlow::conveyed, InformationItem ItemFlow, ItemFlow::itemProperty
MODELLING, TIP SysMLv1: A part Property or reference Property is not necessarily a 'memberEnd' or 'ownedEnd' of an Association ('association' or 'owningAssociation'). But an Association always as at least 2 'memberEnd' Properties. (With some MagicDraw/Cameo tool tips.) SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Association, Association::memberEnd, Property::owningAssociation, Association::ownedEnd, Property::association part property, MD:PartProperty, reference property, MD:ReferenceProperty Model-Based Systems Engineering, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE
MODELLING SysMLv1: A common misunderstanding: Just because a UseCase symbol appears inside the rectangle of a subject Classifier does NOT mean that it is owned by that Classifier and can only have that one Classifier as 'subject', and it does not imply ownership! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 UseCase, UseCase::subject SysML Use Case Diagram, System, SystemContext Model-Based Systems Engineering, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
MODELLING SysMLv1: "Should" the 'subject' of a top-level UseCase be a System or (a particular) SystemContext? Answer: Which one would you like to be correct!? [WITH EXTERNAL LINKS] SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 UseCase, UseCase::subject SysML Use Case Diagram, System, SystemContext Model-Based Systems Engineering, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1
TIP, TOOL, WORKAROUND SysMLv1/UML2: Whilst fUML does not support InterruptibleActivityRegion, there are still ways to interrupt a StructuredActivityNode in Cameo Simulation Toolkit fUML-1.3, fUML-1.4, SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 "InterruptibleRegion", InterruptibleActivityRegion, StructuredActivityNode, AcceptEventAction, TimeEvent SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
NAMING, POLICY SysMLv1.x: ValueType naming: The Webel convention is 'UpperCamelCase' (a.k.a. PascalCase). ValueType, QuantityKind Webel Best Practice
QUESTION SysMLv1.x: Q: Why can't a Package with PackageImports be used as a Parsing Analysis text container? Why is the SysML1.6 ElementGroup (extended and customised as the Webel «snippet») far better suited for text-driven model element elicitation? SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Comment::annotatedElement ElementGroup, ElementGroup::/member WPA:«snippet», WPA:«pa»
CAPABILITY, FEATURE, TIP, TOOL SysMLv1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: Contextual relationships feature (links) contextual relationship, Allocate, Satisfy, Refine, Trace, Verify Systems Modeling Language, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, MD SysML, Magic, CATIA Magic:v2021xR1, CATIA Magic, CATIA Magic:v2021x
CAVEAT, COMPLICATION, LIMITATION SysMLv1.x: Limitation: The 'body' (maths formula) of an OpaqueBehavior can't be synchronised (shared) with the 'constraint' of a ConstraintBlock (directly in the SysML model). Can lead to a WET (not DRY) model and breaks Single Source of Truth! Constraint, OpaqueBehavior:body, OpaqueBehavior:language, Activity, OpaqueBehavior, Abstraction ConstraintBlock, SysML Parametric Diagram, SysML Activity Diagram DRY, WET, Single Source of Truth, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1.x, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Wolfram, Mathematica
COMPLICATION, GOTCHA, ISSUE, TOOL, WARNING SysMLv1.7/fUMLv1.4: Cameo Simulation Toolkit v2024x: Using an extending Enumeration literal as a parameter argument value runs but a WARN is issued. fUML-1.4, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Enumeration, EnumerationLiteral, Generalization, CallBehaviorAction, CallOperationAction, Parameter, OpaqueBehavior, Activity, CallBehaviorAction::behavior ValueType, SysML Enumeration SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], UML, fUML
ASSERTION, WISHLIST SysMLv1.6 Provided/required DirectedFeature contracts for ProxyPorts SHOULD be satisfiable Feature-wise (including as subsets of Features) not necessarily just at the level of entire Blocks (types)! [See also the SysMLv1.7 spec changes.] SysML-1.6 Feature, BehavioralFeature, Reception, Operation, StructuralFeature, Property provided Feature, required Feature
MODELLING SysMLv1 (or v2): CHALLENGE EXERCISE: Simplified Parsing Analysis breakdown of 'Build an Airport' with variations ElementGroup, ElementGroup::/member, AbstractRequirement, Satisfy, Refine, DeriveReqt Webel Parsing Analysis, Systems Modeling Language, requirements engineering, WPA:«snippet», WPA:Snippet::source, Model-Based Systems Engineering, MBSE, SysML
MODELLING, OPTION, TIP SysML: Whether you use a Block, ValueType, or Signal to represent something that flows (and can be applied to an ItemFlow) depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to indicate something structured with value properties with Units use a Block. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Signal, InformationFlow, InformationFlow::conveyed Block, ValueType, ItemFlow, ItemFlow::itemProperty Systems Modeling Language, SysML, flow, signal flow, Webel Best Practice
MODELLING, PATTERN, TIP SysML: When using Property::defaultValue and Property::redefinedValue to carry a "shadow hierarchy" of redefinitions across an entire system hierarchy, considering using a user-defined keyword such as «configuration» or «scenario» on each redefining Block SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Property::redefinedProperty, Property::defaultValue, Stereotype, «keyword», user defined Stereotype, custom Stereotype MD SysML, Systems Modeling Language, UML, MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw SysML, Webel Best Practice
NAMING, POLICY, STYLE SysML: Webel: "Trust the Type!" - Often the name of the Type of an anonymous Property or instance-level element is completely sufficient to indicate its role - unless multiple Properties of the same Type have different roles within the same owner context! NamedElement::name, Property, InstanceSpecification, Port Webel Best Practice
TIP SysML: Webel recommends use of an additional custom «requirementGroup» stereotype for compound Requirements that serve as owning Namespaces and are subject to the satisfaction policy that all child requirements must be satisfied. Stereotype, «keyword» Requirement, composite (compound) requirement
COMPLICATION, TOOL, WARNING SysML: Using redefined Property and Property::defaultValue to create deep hierarchical value configurations of "initial values" configurations for SysPhS simulation is notoriously fiddly and requires experience and patience. Better tool support is needed! Property::defaultValue, Property::redefinedProperty SysML, Systems Modeling Language, MagicDraw SysML, MD SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, system configuration, deep configuration, modes, SysPhS
ASSERTION SysML: Typing a Port by an InterfaceBlock or ~InterfaceBlock does NOT imply that the Port is a ProxyPort (but ProxyPort must be typed by an InterfaceBlock or ~InterfaceBlock) SysML-1.6 Type, TypedElement, TypedElement::type InterfaceBlock, ~InterfaceBlock, ProxyPort, "standard" Port, FullPort
ASSERTION, TOOL SysML: The «system», «subsystem», «external», «domain» and «system context» keywords are for "user defined" block Stereotypes (they are not part of core SysML); they are supported in MagicDraw/Cameo as Non-Normative Extensions. SysML-1.6 «system», «subsystem», «external», «domain», «system context» non-normative, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler
GOTCHA, MODELLING, WARNING SysML: The placement of usages of Blocks, their Ports, and Connectors in an Internal Block Diagrams DOES NOT necessarily represent physical geometry! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, SysMLv2, UML-2.5.1 Connector, Port SysML Internal Block Diagram, Block, "standard" Port SysML, Systems Modeling Language
ANTI-PATTERN, MODELLING SysML: Syntax ain't Semantics: FUN CHALLENGE: SysMLv1 block property aggregation: 'The tornado chaser plane "has" a chaser car "with" a chaser team.' AggregationKind, AggregationKind::composite, AggregationKind::shared, Property, Property::aggregation Block, SysML Block Definition Diagram, part property, reference property, shared property, MD:SharedProperty SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Webel Best Practice, syntax, semantics
NAMING, STYLE SysML: Non-anonymous (concise please) block property names and port names may help a little in tracing participation of properties and ports in requirements relationships and play nicely with current SysML callout style. Short role indicators are best! NamedElement::name block property, value property, part property, AbstractRequirement::/satisfiedBy, AbstractRequirement::/tracedTo, Satisfy, Trace
ANTI-PATTERN, CAVEAT, MODELLING, NAMING, WARNING SysML: Naming: You may include Block, ValueType, and Signal names in the names of Behaviors (such as Activities) as long as this does not undermine the principles of functional analysis and allocation. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Element::owner, BehavioredClassifier::ownedBehavior, BehavioredClassifier::classifierBehavior, Behavior, Activity, Signal Allocate, Block functional allocation, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, systems engineering, functional analysis, Webel Best Practice
ANTI-PATTERN, CAVEAT, MODELLING, NAMING, WARNING SysML: Naming: Including Block, ValueType, and Signal names in the names of Behaviors (such as Activities) can sometimes undermine purist functional allocation (because it may presuppose the element of the physical solution that carries out the function). SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Element::owner, BehavioredClassifier::ownedBehavior, BehavioredClassifier::classifierBehavior, Behavior, Activity, Signal Allocate, Block functional allocation, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, systems engineering
NAMING, POLICY SysML: Naming: Always use either anonymous or first letter lower case for Property, ObjectNode and InstanceSpecification names; no exceptions (unless using names to "quote text")! Valid: 'lowerCamelCase' OR 'tla' vs TLA acronym OR 'uCC' vs UpperCamelCase Property, StructuralFeature, InstanceSpecification, ObjectNode, NamedElement::name MD:ValueProperty UML, SysML
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Use query view tables, matrices, and maps, use them a lot! They help communicate well with other stakeholders. Learn how to use the Generic Table diagram type, custom relations, Simple Navigation & Metachain Navigation (expert)! SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Webel Best Practice, table, query, model query, table query, query matrix, dependency matrix, matrix, relationship map, relationship matrix, derived relationships, MagicDraw implied relationships
DEPRECATION, TOOL, WARNING SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: DO NOT use the FlowPort or FlowSpecification menu items or smart manipulator items they are completely OBSOLETE (they create fully DEPRECATED SysML model element types)! Use FlowProperty on Block features instead. SysML-1.6 DEPRECATED:FlowPort, DEPRECATED:FlowSpecification Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic:v2022xGolden, CATIA Magic:v2024xGolden
DISPLAY, POLICY, SETTINGS, STYLE, TOOL SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Diagram Style: Recommend DO NOT use shadows or gradient fill adornments on diagrams! [TIP OFTEN IGNORED] SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, SysMLv2, UML-2.5.1 SysML, Systems Modeling Language, Webel Best Practice, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML
FEATURE, TOOL SysML: MagicDraw/Cameo can optionally indicate Requirement IDs in tables Requirement, AbstractRequirement::id requirements engineering, table, query table, report table, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler
PATTERN SysML: HOWTO Use an explicit converter between different Unit systems SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, SysPhS-1.1 ConstraintBlock, constraint parameter, ValueType, value property, Unit, ValueType::unit Systems Modeling Language, Cameo Systems Modeler, SysML, MD SysML, MagicDraw SysML, ISO-80000, SysPhS
PATTERN SysML: HOWTO Safely incorporate ConstraintBlock equations from a library into a project with local ValueType variants: CASE: SysPhS vs ISO-80000 ModelLibrary SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, SysPhS-1.1 ConstraintBlock, constraint parameter, ValueType, value property, Unit, ValueType::unit Systems Modeling Language, Cameo Systems Modeler, SysML, MD SysML, MagicDraw SysML, ISO-80000, SysPhS
MODELLING, TIP SysML: HOWTO Represent a person as an external block-based SysML «actor» in one lower context and as an internal participating «person» in another higher context, with traceability. For modelling systems of systems in a team with many modellers. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 «keyword», custom Stereotype, Stereotype SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1, MBSE, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw SysML, CATIA Magic, Webel Best Practice
ANTI-PATTERN, CAVEAT, MODELLING SysML: Having a Behavior owned by a Block it is allocated to may undermine purist functional allocation (because it presupposes the element of the physical solution that carries out the function) SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Element::owner, BehavioredClassifier::ownedBehavior, BehavioredClassifier::classifierBehavior, Behavior, Activity Allocate, Block functional allocation, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, systems engineering
MODELLING, OPTION, TIP SysML: Flows: If you intend to use a Classifier to type the itemProperty of an ItemFlow on a Connector use a ValueType or Block rather than a Signal, otherwise you'll get probably-unwanted signal receptions on the owning context Block. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Signal, InformationFlow, InformationFlow::conveyed Block, ValueType, ItemFlow, ItemFlow::itemProperty Systems Modeling Language, SysML, flow, signal flow, Webel Best Practice
MODELLING, PATTERN, TIP SysML: Electronics: When modelling ground (GND) use a Port type that has an inout FlowProperty Port FullPort, ProxyPort, FlowProperty, FlowProperty::direction, FlowDirectionKind::inout, InterfaceBlock, ~InterfaceBlock electronics, Systems Modeling Language, port-based engineering, SysML
MODELLING, TIP SysML: Electronics: When modelling electronics systems you should to decide and make clear (with ItemFlow and/or Stereotypes) whether you are modelling signals (information, does not care about GND) or a physical design with voltage (needs GND) Signal, InformationFlow, Stereotype, custom Stereotype ItemFlow electronics, Systems Modeling Language, wiring, GND, signal flow, signal processing
CAVEAT, MODELLING, TOOL SysML: Cameo/MagicDraw: ItemFlow notation/indication on ObjectFlow edges in SysML Activity Diagrams is a tool-specific feature, although it was proposed and discussed (but DEFERRED) as part of the OMG SysMLv1 Revision Task Force (RTF). SysML Activity Diagram, ItemFlow SysML, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
CAVEAT, GOTCHA, LIMITATION, MODELLING, TIP SysML: Cameo Systems Modeler: A ValueType that does not extend Real might not always simulate correctly when used to type a constraint parameter of a ConstraintBlock (in a SysML Parametric Diagram) or to type a parameter (in a SysML Activity Diagram)! Parameter, Activity, Action, Pin ConstraintBlock, constraint parameter, SysML Parametric Diagram, SysML Activity Diagram, Real, ValueType, value property Cameo Systems Modeler, Magic Model Analyst [Cameo Simulation Toolkit], MagicDraw SysML, SysML, CATIA Magic, Systems Modeling Language, simulation, execution
ASSERTION, OPTION SysML: Although not encouraged, you can still use a DataType to type a Property of a Block, it just won't be listed in the 'values' compartment. Prefer the SysML ValueType versions of primitives! SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 DataType, properties compartment, attributes compartment ValueType, values compartment SysML, Systems Modeling Language
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The value property concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension ValueProperty SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 value property, MD:ValueProperty MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The shared property concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension SharedProperty SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 shared property, MD:SharedProperty MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The reference property concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension ReferenceProperty SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 reference property, MD:ReferenceProperty MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The part property concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension PartProperty SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 part property, MD:PartProperty MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The nested property path concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension NestedPropertyPath SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 nested property path, MD:NestedPropertyPath MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The constraint property concept is (was) implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension ConstraintProperty [VENDOR-DEPRECATED] SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 constraint property, MD:ConstraintProperty MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The constraint parameter concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension ConstraintParameter SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 constraint property, MD:ConstraintParameter MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML1.x: MagicDraw/Cameo: The block property concept is implemented using a vendor-specific stereotype extension BlockProperty SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 block property, MD:BlockProperty MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, Systems Modeling Language, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
DISPLAY, MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML/UML: MagicDraw/Cameo: To display the body of an OpaqueBehavior on a usage (CallBehaviorAction) in an Activity Diagram use an element property callout of 'Body' into a Note with a handle to the CallBehaviorAction SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 CallBehaviorAction, OpaqueBehavior, Activity Diagram, Note, callout SysML Activity Diagram Systems Modeling Language, Unified Modeling Language, SysML, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic, SysMLv1.x
MODELLING, NAMING, TIP, TOOL SysML/UML: MagicDraw/Cameo: The name of an ActivityParameterNode does not always stay in synch with its Parameter (and it is not always desirable that it does). Activity, ActivityParameterNode, Activity Diagram, Pin, Parameter, CallBehaviorAction, CallOperationAction SysML Activity Diagram Unified Modeling Language, UML, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1.x, MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw:validation
COMPLICATION, CONVENTION, GOTCHA, LIMITATION, NAMING, TOOL SysML/UML: MagicDraw/Cameo: GOTCHA: Connecting a typed OutputPin to an untyped (UNSPECIFIED) InputPin with an ObjectFlow changes the type of the InputPin SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7, UML-2.5.1 Activity, CallBehaviorAction, Action, Parameter, Activity Diagram, ObjectFlow, Pin, InputPin, OutputPin SysML Activity Diagram, MD::UNSPECIFIED Systems Modeling Language, SysML, SysMLv1.x, Wolfram Language, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, CATIA Magic
MODELLING, TIP, TOOL SysML/UML: MagicDraw/Cameo: Activity Diagrams: All Pins of CallBehaviorActions and CallOperationActions MUST be displayed (synchronised). All ActivityParameterNodes MUST be shown on the frame of an Activity Diagram. Activity, ActivityParameterNode, Activity Diagram, Pin, Parameter, CallBehaviorAction, CallOperationAction SysML Activity Diagram Unified Modeling Language, UML, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv1.x, MagicDraw UML, MagicDraw SysML, Cameo Systems Modeler, MagicDraw:validation
CONVENTION, MODELLING, NAMING SysML/SysPhS-1.1: Anonymous Property or Action names may not be an option if: You are exporting to Modelica or Simulink; You absolutely need names for generated query reports (such as generated Interface Control Documents). NamedElement::name, NamedElement, Property, Action, Port "standard" Port, block property, part property, reference property SysML, SysPhS, Systems Modeling Language, Modelica, Simulink, Simscape, Stateflow, Webel Best Practice
TIP SysML/SysPhS + Modelica: The variable 'time' is known to Modelica and need not be explicitly declared as a constraint parameter for a Constraint on a SysML ConstraintBlock SysPhS-1.1 Constraint SysPhS, SysML, Systems Modeling Language, Modelica
MODELLING, TIP SysML/MBSE: Many videos, tutorial slides, and guides to MBSE with SysML present particular modelling recipes as though they are THE way to do something in SysML, not just ONE way of doing it in SysML. They are not necessarily enforced by the SysML spec. SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 Systems Modeling Language, SysML, MD SysML, Model-Based Systems Engineering, scenario
ASSERTION, COMPLICATION, ISSUE SysML-16: Taken literally the text and OCL of constraint 'Block::6_valueproperties_composite' imply that every FlowProperty typed by a ValueType should have AggregationKind 'composite' SysML-1.6, SysML-1.7 AggregationKind, AggregationKind::composite FlowProperty, ValueType, value property, Block SysML, Systems Modeling Language
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Use of ValueTypes named like units in Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-14 is inconsistent w.r.t. some other specification diagrams and examples (but not necessarily wrong) SysML-1.6 ValueType
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Typo: Figure 8-12 'diamter' should be 'diameter' SysML-1.6
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Typo: Constraint name: Copy::1_source_and_ta[r]get_are_requirements SysML-1.6 Copy
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Typo: 'Binding connectors, as defined in Clause 8 are used' SysML-1.6
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Typo in figure name 'Figure 4-2: SysML Extension of UMLFigure' SysML-1.6 SysML specification figure
CAVEAT, ISSUE SysML-1.6: The View and Viewpoint spec sample diagrams D.27, D.28, D.29 and D.30 have multiple known issues; the trail versions here on this site are only placeholders until new spec versions are available once SysML-1.7 is released. SysML-1.6 HSUV sample problem, View, Viewpoint
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The spec version of Figure D.37 does not show the breakdown from the top-level Accelerate activity SysML-1.6 Activity
CAVEAT, ISSUE SysML-1.6: The spec sample diagrams D.27 has Expose relationships to ValueType, they should be to value properties. SysML-1.6 HSUV sample problem, View, Viewpoint
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The spec 'Figure 15-8: Example of Structural Allocation' has an IBD for Block1, which only makes sense if 'Abstract Reference' and 'Concrete Example' are meant to be part Properties (not Blocks) SysML specification figure, Block, part property
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The provided/required Interfaces indicated in the spec version of D.19 for 'connector c1 in Figure D.19.' are not defined on the corresponding Block in Figure D.20 (known issue) SysML-1.6 Interface, InterfaceRealization, Usage, BehavioredClassifier::interfaceRealization
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The provided features are in fact not indicated on the spec version of Figure D.20 (this was addressed by OMG JIRA SYSML17-224 'Features that are not denoted as a DirectedFeature are implicitly provided features'') SysML-1.6
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The constraint that ''An Action appearing in an “AllocateActivityPartition” shall be the /client (from) end of an “allocate” dependency.' is not compatible with all Activity Diagram swimlane configurations. SysML-1.6 Dependency::client, Dependency::supplier AllocateActivityPartition
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The allocation from ObjectNode 'driveCurrent' in Figure D.38 to itemFlow 'i1' on the Connector in Figure D.39 does not appear in the allocation table Figure D.40; Instead there is an allocation from an ObjectFlow 'o6' to the Connector 'epc-emg' SysML-1.6 ObjectNode, ObjectFlow, Connector HSUV sample problem, ItemFlow, Allocate, allocation, «allocate»
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The 'Figure 15-7: Example of flow allocation from ObjectNode to FlowProperty' does not show the allocatedFrom for 'action2' on Block7 SysML-1.6 Allocate, SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: The 'Figure 15-7: Example of flow allocation from ObjectNode to FlowProperty' does not allocate to any FlowProperty SysML-1.6 FlowProperty, Allocate, SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: text on Requirement 'Test and procedure conditions' is mangled in 'Figure 16-2: Requirements Derivation' (was OK in SysML-1.5) [and also on Figure 16-6] SysML-1.6 SysML specification figure, AbstractRequirement::text
ISSUE SysML-1.6: text concerning Figure 15-4 says 'allocation of Actions to Parts are depicted in Figure 15-4' then has an allocation from a part to Activity6. SysML-1.6
ISSUE SysML-1.6: text concerning Figure 15-4 'The allocation to Activity6'; the allocation is FROM Activity6. SysML-1.6
ISSUE, NAMING SysML-1.6: Stereotype keyword consistency: «testCase» in Figure 16-6, «TestCase» in Figure 16-7 SysML-1.6 «keyword», Stereotype TestCase
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Spec Figure D.41 refers to 't:Transmission' not 'trsm:Transmission', inconsistent w.r.t. D.18 and allocation tables (with impact on some connector names). SysML-1.6 HSUV sample problem
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Spec Figure D.41 refers to 'i:Interior' not 'i:InteriorSubsystem', inconsistent w.r.t. Figure D.16. SysML-1.6 HSUV sample problem
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Spec Figure D.41 refers to 'em:ElectricalMotor' inconsistent w.r.t. 'emg:ElectricalMotorGenerator' in D.18 and allocation tables. SysML-1.6 HSUV sample problem
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Refers to both 'composite requirements' and 'compound requirements' (clearly as identical concepts) SysML-1.6 composite (compound) requirement, Requirement
ISSUE SysML-1.6: References to 'ecu:PowerControlUnit' should be 'pcu:PowerControlUnit' SysML-1.6 HSUV sample problem, SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Reference to 'in the decomposition from Figure 9-17' should be '...Figure 9-16' SysML-1.6 SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Reference to 'House 2' for Figure 9-11 is inconsistent. Should probably just be 'House'. SysML-1.6 SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: reference to 'Figure 17-1' should be 'Figure 16-7' SysML-1.6 SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: reference to 'association between Spigot and Faucet Inlet in Figure 9-11' should say 'Figure 9-8' SysML-1.6 SysML specification figure
ISSUE SysML-1.6: p.43: Property types 'Four general categories of properties of blocks are recognized in SysML ...' does not cover FlowProperty SysML-1.6 FlowProperty
ASSERTION, ISSUE SysML-1.6: Needs a constraint on ~InterfaceBlock making the implied inversion of provided/required Interfaces explicit SysML-1.6 Interface, InterfaceRealization, Usage InterfaceBlock, ~InterfaceBlock, ~InterfaceBlock::original
ISSUE SysML-1.6: Need a Connector from fuel:Fuel to :FuelPump in 'Figure D.25 Detailed Internal Structure of Fuel Delivery Subsystem (Internal Block Diagram)' SysML-1.6