SysMLv1: CAUTION: Only a Signal can be used for a SendSignalAction or MessageEvent trigger of an AcceptEventAction, not a Block or ValueType, even if they are valid types for a SysML FlowProperty! But you can "wrap" a Block or ValueType in a Signal.
SysMLv1.7/fUMLv1.4: Cameo Simulation Toolkit v2024x: Using an extending Enumeration literal as a parameter argument value runs but a WARN is issued.
SysMLv1.x: Limitation: The 'body' (maths formula) of an OpaqueBehavior can't be synchronised (shared) with the 'constraint' of a ConstraintBlock (directly in the SysML model). Can lead to a WET (not DRY) model and breaks Single Source of Truth!
ISSUE/GOTCHA: MagicDraw/Cameo v2022x: UML/SysML: If you "rename" an ActivityParameterNode symbol on the frame of an Activity Diagram it actually renames the underlying Parameter (only) NOT the name of the ActivityParameterNode element!
SysML/UML: MagicDraw/Cameo: GOTCHA: Connecting a typed OutputPin to an untyped (UNSPECIFIED) InputPin with an ObjectFlow changes the type of the InputPin
Webel: SysML4Mathematica: Cameo Systems Modeler: Can perform calculations with a custom Quantity ValueType (for Mathematica) directly, but DOES NOT perform units-aware algebra (no automatic conversions)
GOTCHA: Mathematica: Specific enthalpy conversion J/kg to Btu/lb: Does not consider a possible "total" enthalpy reference offset vs 0 °C or 0 °F respectively
[FIXED in v2022Refresh1]: BUG: MagicDraw/Cameo: 19SP3/v2022xGolden: Activity Diagrams: Pin display mode 'Position of Labels' does not stick, label positions in Diagrams have sometimes moved after re-opening a project [and "FIX"] ARCHIVAL (2022): This content is now considered historical only!
MagicDraw SysML: [v2022xGolden,v2022xRefresh1]: ISSUE: Automatic assignment of the Type of the 'result' of a ReadStructuralFeatureAction not working with drag & drop.
MagicDraw/Cameo 19SP3/v2022xGolden: [FIXED in v2022xRefresh1]: Activity Diagrams: Pin display mode 'Position of Labels' does not work correctly for 'Name And Type Labels Inside', only shows the Name inside (not the Label) [and WORKAROUND] ARCHIVAL (2022): This content is now considered historical only!
SysML vs Modelica: GOTCHA: Terminology: A 'connector' in Modelica is equivalent to the Type of a Port in SysML. A Connector in SysML-1.x is equivalent to a 'connect(source,target)' in Modelica.
SysPhS-1.1: GOTCHA: The term "initial values" is sometimes just used to refer to the start values for a simulation run in Modelica or Simulink. It does NOT always mean the additional context-specific values mechanism of SysML beyond Property::defaultValue
SysML: Using redefined Property and Property::defaultValue to create deep hierarchical value configurations of "initial values" configurations for SysPhS simulation is notoriously fiddly and requires experience and patience. Better tool support is needed!
MDSysML/Cameo 19SP3 SysPhSLibrary vs SysPhS-1.1: SimulinkBlock and ModelicaBlock specialise ExternalModel not Block
GOTCHA: MD SysML/Cameo 19SP3 vs SysPhS-1.1: Export to Modelica does not see a 'doActivity' on a State (does not write it to a Modelica algorithm), you MUST use an 'entry'!
SysML-16: Taken literally the text and OCL of constraint 'Block::6_valueproperties_composite' imply that every FlowProperty typed by a ValueType should have AggregationKind 'composite'
MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: GOTCHA: Export to Modelica only includes owned Constraints (not just applied Constraints) under the 'equation' export
MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: GOTCHA: A Constraint created and applied to a ConstraintBlock via the sidebar menu is NOT owned by the ConstraintBlock!
UML/SysML: When sending a Signal (message) via a Port the 'target' is the owner of the Port through which the message will be sent, it is NOT the final recipient! So the 'target' is essentially the "sender"!
In SysML more than one NamedElement can help Satisfy a single Requirement (which presents challenges for verifying satisfaction of Requirements). This is a conceptual challenge for requirements engineering in general, not just SysML!