SysMLv1: Webel often uses Model packages for most modelling and reserves Package for code-like elements, OpaqueBehavior sub-libraries, instances, and elements reverse-engineered from code. But there are no hard and fast rules about Package vs Model.
Webel: SysML: If you are working within a self-contained model you may freely include diagrams icons for navigation and model elements from other Packages in a Package Diagram or "focus" BDD but beware of breaking Shared Package and library dependencies!
SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: Having a SystemContext as the 'subject' of each main UseCase plays nicely with the feature for automated creation of usage-level allocation swimlanes in SysML Activity Diagrams for part properties. But it's not the only way.
SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: INTRINSIC GOTCHA: Care must be taken with ownership of Activities used as UseCase scenarios vs the ‘subject’ of the UseCase. Make sure you don’t get an Activity ‘context’ mismatch! It's up to you to manage it as intended.
SysMLv1: MagicDraw/Cameo: Automated creation of usage-level allocation swimlanes in SysML Activity Diagrams for part properties of a Block. EXAMPLE: A UseCase scenario within a SystemContext as UseCase ‘subject’.
SysMLv1: UseCase scenario representations: On use of Activity Diagrams with swimlanes and/or Sequence Diagrams (Interactions): Actor or block-based custom «actor» on 1st (typically left) Lifeline/Swimlane, System/Subsystem on 2nd Lifeline/Swimlane
Mathematica: Webel: You CAN/MAY use $ in variable names and function names - just not as the first character before a Capital - and it's extremely useful. You won't get sent to Azkaban prison if do you use a $ character!
MagicDraw/Cameo: Display option: You can choose whether to show Domain Specific Language (DSL) stereotypes: 'None', 'All', 'Only Last'
Webel Parsing Analysis: An "index" Parsing Analysis Diagram (PAD) showing a collection of Snippets may optionally (but need not always) show the /member tagged value of each Snippet.
Webel Parsing Analysis for SysML: Track and display alternative names, human friendly names, organisation-specific names, and identifiers using tagged values for a custom stereotype «pa:term» (adapt or extend as required).
Webel Parsing Analysis: Formally, if «pa:implied» has been applied to indicate an implied elicited Element, the 'snippet' tagged value should bet set using at least one Snippet that implies it. (Note, the Snippet should have identical 'name' and 'body'.)
SysML: Flows: If you use a Signal to type the itemProperty of an ItemFlow on a Connector, care must be take in how you create the Property or you might get an unwanted signal Reception on the owning context Block.
SysML: Whether you use a Block, ValueType, or Signal to represent something that flows (and can be applied to an ItemFlow) depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to indicate something structured with value properties with Units use a Block.
SysML: Although not encouraged, you can still use a DataType to type a Property of a Block, it just won't be listed in the 'values' compartment. Prefer the SysML ValueType versions of primitives!
Cameo Simulation Toolkit: GOTCHA: In the Variable pane reference properties are hidden by default (show them using the Options pulldown menu)
Computed category membership test values are sometimes adequate and can prevent Class/Block explosion. However, a dedicated Class/Block encapsulating a clear domain concept offers a clear documentation point and can carry other characterising features.
TIP: If you use the name '0-source' instead of 'source' for the top-level Package/Model for containing Parsing Analysis elements it will list nicely at the top of the containment tree.
MagicDraw/Cameo: Has a symbol display option 'Show Inherited' applicable to (amongst others) Features of Class and Block symbols, Property symbols, and underlying Featured of Property symbols in SysML IBDs when using SysML Feature Compartments
In Webel Parsing Analysis if you want to track elicited model elements that have not been explicitly mentioned in source text you can introduce Element-level custom tracking Stereotypes with the keywords «pa:implied» or «pa:assumed».
The default display of all tagged values on the comment symbol for an ElementGroup can make diagrams cluttered, but you can extend it with a custom stereotype and customise the default visible tagged values.
MagicDraw/Cameo: To callout the element properties of Diagram's context Element into a Note in that Diagram use the context menu item Represent Diagram Context on the Note!