You should not have to resort to the model browser to navigate your model!
For example, if you have a "focus" BDD for a block Thing
, show also in the diagram (with just the symbol and all compartments collapsed) a client UsesThing
, which might have a Property t:Thing
that can be shown on an Association end. The block UsesThing
must of course then also have a linked diagram.
Some purists claim the practice of including a "client" block (or other element) breaks encapsulation because it assumes a particular usage; if the client changes the diagram can break slightly. It can also sometimes block exporting modules because of dependencies.
Another approach is to show at least one diagram symbol on every diagram (best included as soon as the diagram is created) that offers a way "up" or "across" so you don't get stuck in a navigation cul-de-sac. This can also, however, sometimes cause dependency problems for exporting modules and shared packages.
But if you are just starting off a project and especially if you are new to SysML modelling with MagicDraw/Cameo this is a highly recommended practice that promotes faster easier modelling with cross-navigability.
If you are an attendee at the Webel SysML/MBSE course you will asked to please follow this recommendation every single time you create a new diagram until it becomes an automatic habit.