Icon class icon_class far fa-sticky-note icon_class_computed far fa-sticky-note Note kind FEATURE TIP TOOL Policy level INFORMATIVE UML keywords Diagram Element symbol Keywords MagicDraw SysML Cameo Systems Modeler MagicDraw UML hyperlink drag-n-drop Relates to Related notes [ASSERTION, DISPLAY, SETTINGS, STYLE, TOOL]{STRICT} ALL Model-Based Engineering: Just because you can't see a Feature or some other aspect of a SysML (or UML) Element in a tool on a symbol does NOT mean it does not exist in the underlying model (repository)! The model is not just what is DISPLAYED! [CAPABILITY, FEATURE, TIP] In MagicDraw/Cameo one can just drag the IBD or BDD of a Block from the model browser onto parts that are typed by that Block to make them the default hyperlink target for that part (so one can just "open the parts up" recursively to navigate the system). [FEATURE, TIP, TOOL] MagicDraw/Cameo: You can set a Property as redefined/subsetted by another in a Class Diagram or BDD by dragging its label from an Association end onto the label of another Property on an Association end then choosing 'Set As Redefined/Subsetted Property' [ASSERTION, DISPLAY, TOOL]{STRICT} Rule #1: A UML or SysML Element in a tool is NOT just an Element symbol in a diagram! A Note is not an Element (compare with a Comment). Related notes (backlinks) [FEATURE, TIP, TOOL]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw/Cameo: You can drag-n-drop most applicable Stereotype types from the model browser onto an Element's symbol in a Diagram to apply it to that Element (does not work in all cases). [FEATURE, TIP, TOOL]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw/Cameo: You can set many fields in an Element's specification dialog just by dragging compatible elements from the model browser onto the value area of the field. Related snippets (extracts) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags