BDD: InverterSubsystem

This shows a more detailed "focus" Block Definition Diagram (BDD) for the block InverterSubsystem:
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This InverterSubsystem will enable us to demonstrate a simple control loop. The Activities Set aim temperature and Read got temperature represent setting the 'aim' temperature one wishes to achieve in an air-conditioned room/space, and the temperature one 'got' as read using a temperature sensor.

In German control engineering there are nice terms 'Sollwert' and 'Istwert' for the 'aim' and 'got' values.

The room temperature will be controlled via the variable frequency of the power driving a Compressor, as we'll see later in an Internal Block Diagram (IBD) overview.

BTW: In some online descriptions of air-conditioners with inverters you'll often find the entire inverter subsystem described as the "inverter", but the actual inverter is actually just one component of a chain with a larger inverter subsystem.

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