This trail leads you through nearly every diagram in the Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) specification Hybrid Sports Utility Vehicle (HSUV) sample problem and nearly every sample diagram in the SysML specification version 1.6.
2023: Note that SysMLv1.7 has been released and has some new versions of these HSUV sample problem diagrams! An updated version of this entire trail for the SysMLv1.7 diagrams is under construction!
The HSUV sample problem is based on an accessible engineering topic, and it serves its main purpose very well, which is to illustrate in the specification some of the kinds of things you can do with SysML, as well as illustrating some of the differences between SysML® and UML®.
The HSUV sample problem (as shown in the spec figures) is NOT, however, intended to act as a fully worked problem for you to base your model-based systems engineering on (and does not address modelling style and tool issues).
Please read these additional caveats and notes carefully:
Many of the diagrams here are heavily annotated (including indicating some identified issues ) and are NOT intended to simply reproduce the diagrams from the specification.
The diagrams here in many cases include quoted text "snippets" from the specification to guide you - indicated by «SysML-1.6 sample» and «SysML-1.6» - and these are cross-referenced from the slide pages.
The layout and style of the diagrams here deliberately in many cases departs from that of the diagrams in the specification.
Some limitations of the MagicDraw® UML (aka Magic Software Architect), MagicDraw SysML Plugin and Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) tools in reproducing these sample diagrams are identified, with corresponding tracking note pages. This is not intended as a criticism of these tools; no software can cover every aspect of a specification, and the tools in some cases even offer capabilities that exceed the specified language. Also, in some cases the specification can't be easily implemented in tools. Many thanks to No Magic/Dassault support for assistance with some of these concerns.
Most of the specification-related issues or inconsistencies recorded in this trail have been reported by Webel or others on the OMG JIRA SysML RTF Issue Tracker
Thanks to Marlin Ballard and Rick Steiner for catching some of the errors and inconsistencies in the SysML-1.6 specification sample diagrams reported here.
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Webel IT Australia is an OMG-Accredited Training Provider for SysML!