SysMLv2 zone

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Webel IT Australia does not currently recommend use of the powerful new Systems Modeling Language v2 (SysML®) language version for next generation Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for real projects (due to lack of current tool support or integration with wider features requires for practical MBSE). We can however help you with consultancy support for SysMLv2 research projects and to help you assess current SysMLv2 developments.
Yes, Webel IT Australia will be offering a SysMLv2 course once tool support matures.

Webel IT Australia is tracking every inch of the development of the new SysMLv2 for next-generation Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and is developing a complete guide to modelling in SysMLv2-friendly ways in SysML1.6/SysML1.7 to maximise your investment in existing SysMLv1 models.
You don't have to wait for SysMLv2 tool support to do real work, there's heaps you can already do with SysMLv1.6/1.7 for MBSE on complex projects now!

Besides. SysMLv2 is only a major evolution of this world changing language. There are meta-principles for modelling and organising projects that go way beyond a specific language specification, and principles that go beyond tools. THAT is what we do best, the "art and science" of graphical engineering and systems thinking!

SysMLv2 is quite simply one of the most important technological developments in human history!

Some key features of SysMLv2 for next generation MBSE include:

  • Based on the new KerML specification instead of UML.
  • Has a new textural representation modelling code, a major innovation that is already making SysML more accessible and popular for MBSE.
  • Has a new vendor-independent model server Web API for teamwork and model queries (SysMLv2 as a new very powerful cloud database technology).
  • Better integration of Requirements with the wider SysML model, and improved propagation of quantitative Requirements across the model.
  • Improved integration of state machines and action/activity behaviours with the wider model.
  • New mathematical calculations system (building on the previous very powerful SysMLv2 Parametrics technology).
  • Optimal support for simulation capabilities built-in from the get-go!
  • New more consistent element naming pattern.
  • Improved Part definition system (replaces the Block) with support for progressive Part definition refinement for more powerful systems structure modelling and systems configuration and modes modelling.
  • Easier handling of property redefinitions and new notations for more powerful and flexible systems hierarchies.
  • Reified relationships with improved semantics.
  • Improved handling of object/instance-like items and flows.
  • Improved handling of values and quantities with units.
  • Improved lifetime modelling.

There is also a trend towards more generative diagramming, and of course, very active work on leveraging Natural Language Processing to create SysMLv2 models and diagrams.

Some good starting points:

And remember: Learn SysML now! Future-proof yourself by learning about fundamental timeless modelling principles from Webel IT Australia!
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