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For an introduction to this ongoing project please visit:
Most of the Webel IT Australia Policy Note pages for the Webel::SysML4Mathematica modelling and coding recipe have detailed explanations and are linked to examples.
Apply to access the comprehensive PDF slide set accompanying the Webel Mathematica libraries technical slide trail
If you are interested in Mathematica, the Wolfram Language, or Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) you may be interested in accessing the very comprehensive accompanying
The US$SheetManager as a bridge between the US Layer and EX Layer
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adt$store, adt$fetch, and «adt:ref»: Example: Reference XL$ResourcesMap by ID in US$ResourcesHolder.
Webel ODR (Options, Docs, Rules) as SysML
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HelpF`: OptionsPattern groups as SysML shared between functions
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SysML: OptionsPattern[] “Generalizations” using Join:" Example: HelpM` helper classes new functions
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About «pseudo» blocks (always prefixed with ‘@’)
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Extract Options from an OptionsPattern[] in a SysML Activity (2) DETAILED
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The sigsUp/Down functions as a SysML BDD: With Options Block and pseudo functional indicators
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Extract Options from an OptionsPattern[] in a SysML Activity (1)
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The sigsUp function with OptionsPattern modelled as a SysML Activity (and with "pseudo functional" representation)
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SysML Activity with @pseudo functions capturing Wolfram Language logic
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Typed Association example: <||>$* maps String to any expression
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Association <||> vs Rule
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Frequently used String pair Lists
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Frequently used typed {} Lists
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