Webel: SysML4Mathematica: An '@' prefix in the name of a ConstraintBlock, Activity, or OpaqueBehavior indicates that it is a "@pseudo" function not represented directly in the Wolfram Language or Webel code libraries (typically for minor maths or logic)

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UML keywords
SysMLv1.x keywords

In the Webel recipe for modelling Mathematica (Wolfram Language) code in Systems Modeling Language v1 (SysML®) an '@' prefix in the name of a ConstraintBlock, Activity, or OpaqueBehavior indicates something that does not represent a function in a Mathematica library, typically a small recurring maths or logic expression. This helps make the SysML modelling of the Mathematica code faster, smoother, and tidier, without the need for creating very fine grained functions in the Mathematica code.

You can think of the '@' as standing for "analysis", as opposed to the coded "design".

The SysML model can still be executed or simulated in a tool like Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®).

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