Figure 29: State machine in SysML

Hold onto your hat! Such a little StateMachine example, and so many little errors, warning, and gotchas. This is why Webel IT Australia does the testing for you!
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model Computer
  input Real u;
  output Real y;
  ComputerSM _ComputerSM;
  model ComputerSM
    Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep state0(nIn = 0, nOut = 1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Step StandBy(nIn = 2, nOut = 1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Step On(nIn = 1, nOut = 1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Transition tr0(condition = true, enableTimer = true,
                                       waitTime = 5);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Transition tr1(condition = u==1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Transition tr2(condition = u==0);
    Real u;
    Real y;
    connect(state0.outPort[1], tr0.inPort);
    connect(tr0.outPort, StandBy.inPort[1]);
    connect(StandBy.outPort[1], tr1.inPort);
    connect(tr1.outPort, On.inPort[1]);
    connect(On.outPort[1], tr2.inPort);
    connect(tr2.outPort, StandBy.inPort[2]);
    if then
      y := 8; 
    end if;
    if then
      y := 3;
    end if;
  end ComputerSM;
  u = _ComputerSM.u;
  y = _ComputerSM.y;
end Computer;
The spec version of the diagram and the corresponding Modelica code has some naming errors: The following is tricky: So the change expressions map to the following (without any rSig):

Modelica.StateGraph.Transition tr1(condition = u==1);
Modelica.StateGraph.Transition tr2(condition = u==0);
And in the algorithm the assignments in the doActivity OpaqueExpressions map to:

if then
  y := 8;
end if;
if then
  y := 3;
end if;

(prefer however 'entry' over 'doActivity', see below).

Export of block Computer to Modelica from the MagicDraw SysML Plugin or Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) gives:

model Computer
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u;
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y;
  ComputerSM _ComputerSM;
  block ComputerSM
    Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep ComputerSM_region1_pseudostate3(nIn=0,nOut=1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Step StandBy(nIn=2,nOut=1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Step On(nIn=1,nOut=1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Transition ComputerSM_region1_transition0(enableTimer=true,waitTime=5,condition=true);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Transition ComputerSM_region1_transition1(condition=u==1);
    Modelica.StateGraph.Transition ComputerSM_region1_transition2(condition=u==0);
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u;
    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y;
    connect(ComputerSM_region1_pseudostate3.outPort[1], ComputerSM_region1_transition0.inPort);
    connect(ComputerSM_region1_transition0.outPort, StandBy.inPort[1]);
    connect(StandBy.outPort[1], ComputerSM_region1_transition1.inPort);
    connect(ComputerSM_region1_transition1.outPort, On.inPort[1]);
    connect(On.outPort[1], ComputerSM_region1_transition2.inPort);
    connect(ComputerSM_region1_transition2.outPort, StandBy.inPort[2]);
    if then 
    end if;
    if then 
    end if;
  end ComputerSM;
end Computer;
Note also the provided samples such as Humidifier.mdzip use 'entry'. It is assumed here that the tool's approach is correct and that the examples in the spec are incorrect: BTW It does not matter in the MagicDraw SysML Plugin or Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer ® (Cameo Systems Modeler®) whether you write the opaque expressions on those 'entry' examples Modelica style like y.sig:=8 (as in the spec example) or as y.sig=8, it still exports the same way.

The exported Modelica validates in Wolfram SystemModeler, but with some warnings:

[29] 19:23 Validation of model WebelSysMLvsSysPhS.Computer 
Warning: [1325:7-1325:57]No corresponding 'inner' declaration found for component .Modelica.StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStepState _ComputerSM.ComputerSM_region1_pseudostate3.stateGraphRoot declared as 'outer '.
  The existing 'inner' components are:
  There are no 'inner' components defined in the model in any of the parent scopes of 'outer' component's scope: Modelica.StateGraph.InitialStep$_ComputerSM$ComputerSM_region1_pseudostate3.
  Check if you have not misspelled the 'outer' component name.
  Please declare an 'inner' component with the same name in the top scope.
  Continuing flattening by only considering the 'outer' component declaration.
Warning: [1325:7-1325:57]No corresponding 'inner' declaration found for component .Modelica.StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStepState _ComputerSM.StandBy.stateGraphRoot declared as 'outer '.
  The existing 'inner' components are:
  There are no 'inner' components defined in the model in any of the parent scopes of 'outer' component's scope: Modelica.StateGraph.Step$_ComputerSM$StandBy.
  Check if you have not misspelled the 'outer' component name.
  Please declare an 'inner' component with the same name in the top scope.
  Continuing flattening by only considering the 'outer' component declaration.
Warning: [1325:7-1325:57]No corresponding 'inner' declaration found for component .Modelica.StateGraph.Interfaces.CompositeStepState _ComputerSM.On.stateGraphRoot declared as 'outer '.
  The existing 'inner' components are:
  There are no 'inner' components defined in the model in any of the parent scopes of 'outer' component's scope: Modelica.StateGraph.Step$_ComputerSM$On.
  Check if you have not misspelled the 'outer' component name.
  Please declare an 'inner' component with the same name in the top scope.
  Continuing flattening by only considering the 'outer' component declaration.
Warning: [13:67-13:85]In component _ComputerSM, in relation u == /*Real*/(1),  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [14:67-14:85]In component _ComputerSM, in relation u == /*Real*/(0),  ==  on Real numbers is only allowed inside functions.
Warning: [1390:9-1391:7]The variable _ComputerSM.ComputerSM_region1_transition0.t_start is inferred to be discrete due to use with pre outside a when clause. It is recommended to declare the variable as discrete.
Validation of model WebelSysMLvsSysPhS.Computer completed successfully.
The model has 24 variables and 24 equations.
Among these, 1 variable is declared as 'outer'.
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