Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo Section 01:03: UML Behavior: StateMachines quick start Tags and keywords Topic level ADVANCED UML keywords StateMachine StateMachine Diagram Pseudostate State Keywords UML Unified Modeling Language Slide kind UML Profile Diagram This content has been marked as discussing an ADVANCED topic! Click on the image to view it full size Up next UML Event types for triggering Transitions Notes Snippets (quotes/extracts) [UML-2.5.1] A given BehavioredClassifier may implement more than one Interface and that an Interface may be implemented by a number of different BehavioredClassifiers. [UML-2.5.1] The set of Interfaces realized by a BehavioredClassifier are its provided Interfaces, which represent the services and obligations that instances of that BehavioredClassifier offer to their clients. [UML-2.5.1] Interfaces may also be used to specify required Interfaces, which are specified by a Usage dependency between the BehavioredClassifier and the corresponding Interfaces. [UML-2.5.1] Required Interfaces specify services that a BehavioredClassifier needs in order to perform its function and fulfill its own obligations to its clients. Related slides (includes other tutorials) StateMachine diagram for comparing action language access to an operation for a guard Overview: Controller class (and its Activity), Dialer Class (and its StateMachine), Number class StateMachine for the Dialer class UML2 StateMachine - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY Behavior StateMachines can be used to specify any of the following The number.append Activity as entry Behavior for the PartialDial State The number.print Activity as exit Behavior for the PartialDial State ObjectNodes may specify an inState set of States Figure D.8 - Finite State Machine Associated with “Drive the Vehicle” Figure 13-1: Block definition diagram with state machines as blocks associated with submachines and types of parameters Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Behavior StateMachines can be used to specify any of the following Figure 29: State machine in SysML SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Activity & StateMachine simulation: relative TimeEvent triggers, Transitions & doActivity [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine simulation: Transition with a guard tested against a value property [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine shallowHistory Pseudostate [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine deepHistory Pseudostate [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with deferred Signal event Trigger [with mini video] Visit also Visit also (backlinks) SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Cases for StateMachine Transitions with 'effect' Behaviors and/or States with 'entry' Behaviors triggered by a Signal with an attribute [with mini video] Flags Book traversal links for StateMachines - simplified metaclass hierarchy Previous Up Next