Snippets (text quotes and extracts from authoritative sources)

A Snippet is a short quote or extract (typically a phrase, a sentence, or at most a few sentences) from an authoritative source document such as a specification, technical manual, or design manual. Throughout this site, content is often related to supporting Snippets and each Snippet page links back to the content pages that reference it! The Snippet and Note concepts are very closely related and they support each other.

The Snippet concept is also at the heart of the Parsing Analysis recipe for UML® and SysML®

Kind Snippet quote/extract Source UML keywords SysML keywords Keywords
EXAMPLE, INFO The lifelines on Figure D.10 (“whitebox” sequence diagram) need to come from the Power System decomposition. This now begins to consider parts contained in the HybridSUV block. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Lifeline, Sequence Diagram, part HSUV sample problem, Block, part property
INFO If the reply Message has a signature, then wildcard arguments are provided for all return, out and inout ownedParameters of the signature Operation. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ExecutionOccurence, Operation, Behavior::ownedParameter
INFO If the identity of a reply Message is obvious (e.g., when its sendEvent is the only reply within the extent of an ExecutionOccurence where there is only one receipt of an Operation call message), the label may be omitted to simplify the diagram. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ExecutionOccurence, Operation
INFO If an output-argument does not have an explicit assignment-target specified, it is considered to have an unknown assignment target. In this case, it is required to include a value-specification, which denotes the returned value for the argument. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification
INFO An output-argument with an explicit assignment-target given may also optionally include a value-specification. If a value-specification is given, then this denotes the returned value for the argument. Otherwise the argument has no modeled returned value Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification
INFO Note that the parentheses are not considered part of the output-argument list, so a reply-message-label without an output-argument-list may still optionally include an empty set of parentheses (“()”) after the message-name. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, Parameter, Behavior::ownedParameter
INFO If a reply-message-label does not include an output-argument-list and the Message has a signature, then this denotes that the Message has wildcard arguments corresponding to all out and inout ownedParameters of the signature Operation (if any). Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, Parameter, Behavior::ownedParameter
INFO An output-argument always explicitly names the parameter to which it is to be matched. Any parameters that are not named are considered to have implicit wildcard arguments. (There is thus no need for an explicit wildcard notation for output-arguments.) Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, ParameterDirectionKind::return, Parameter
INFO If a reply Message does not have a signature, then the only argument that may be specified for it is a return argument as specified above. However, if the Message has a signature that is an Operation with out or inout ownedParameters, then ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, ParameterDirectionKind::return, Parameter
INFO If a reply Message does not have a signature, then the only argument that may be specified for it is a return argument as specified above. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, ParameterDirectionKind::return, Parameter
INFO If the Message has a signature without a return parameter, then no assignment-target or value-specification may be given for the reply-message-label as a whole. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, ParameterDirectionKind::return, Parameter
INFO If the Message has a signature that is an Operation with a return parameter, then this assignment-target and/or value-specification corresponds to the argument for that parameter (if no assignment-target is given, it is considered to be unknown). Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification, Operation, ParameterDirectionKind::return, Parameter
INFO A reply-message-label may optionally have an assignment-target given to the left of the message-name, with a corresponding returned value denoted by the optional value-specification given after a colon at the end of the reply-message-label. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, ValueSpecification
INFO If the Message has a signature, this will be the name of the Operation referenced by the signature (which should be the Operation for whose call this is a reply). Otherwise the name is unconstrained. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply, Message::signature, Operation
INFO The message-name appearing in a reply-message-label is the name property of the Message. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply
INFO A reply-message-label is used for reply Messages. It has the following form ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 reply-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply
INFO Note that the parentheses are not considered part of the input-argument list, so a request-message-label without an input-argument-list may still optionally include an empty set of parentheses (“()”) after the message-name. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 request-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, Operation, Signal, Parameter, BehavioralFeature::ownedParameterSet, message-name
INFO If a request-message-label does not include an input-argument-list and the Message has a signature, then this denotes that the Message has wildcard arguments corresponding to all in and inout ownedParameters of an Operation or attributes of a Signal ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 request-message-label, Message, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, Operation, Signal, Parameter, BehavioralFeature::ownedParameterSet
INFO Message::signature : NamedElement [0..1] ... The signature of the Message is the specification of its content. It refers either an Operation or a Signal. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Message, Message::signature, NamedElement, NamedElement::name, Operation, Signal
NOTATION On Communication Diagrams, the Messages are decorated by a small arrow in the direction of the Message close to the Message name and sequence number along the line between the lifelines ... OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, Communication Diagram, Lifeline
NOTATION A found Message is denoted with a small black circle at the starting end of the Message. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, found Message
NOTATION A lost Message is denoted with a small black circle at the arrow end of the Message. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, lost Message
NOTATION An object deletion Message (messageSort equals deleteMessage) must end in a DestructionOccurrenceSpecification. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::deleteMessage, DestructionOccurrenceSpecification
NOTATION An object creation Message (messageSort equals createMessage) has a dashed line with an open arrow head. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::createMessage
NOTATION A reply Message (messageSort equals reply) has a dashed line with either an open or filled arrow head. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::reply
NOTATION A synchronous Message (messageSort equals synchCall) has a filled arrow head. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::synchCall
NOTATION An asynchronous Message (messageSort equals asynchCall or asynchSignal) has an open arrow head. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd, Message::messageSort, MessageSort, MessageSort::asynchCall, MessageSort::asynchSignal
NOTATION The form of the line or arrowhead reflects properties of the message OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd
NOTATION The send and receive events may both be on the same lifeline. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd
NOTATION Message - A message is shown as a line from the sender MessageEnd to the receiver MessageEnd. The line must be such that every line fragment is either horizontal or downwards when traversed from send event to receive event. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Message, MessageEnd
EXAMPLE, INFO Figure D.9 shows a “black box” interaction, but references “StartVehicleWhiteBox” (Figure D.10), which will decompose the lifelines within the context of the HybridSUV block. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Interaction, Sequence Diagram, Lifeline, interactionOperator ref HSUV sample problem, Block
INFO «Refine» Abstraction Specifies a refinement relationship between model elements at different semantic levels, such as analysis and design. The mapping specifies the relationship between the two elements or sets of elements. The mapping ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Refine, Stereotype, UML StandardProfile
EXAMPLE, INFO This diagram expresses only the nominal states. Exception states, like “acceleratorFailure,” are not expressed on this diagram. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 State, StateMachine, StateMachine Diagram HSUV sample problem black box, Object Constraint Language
EXAMPLE, INFO Also note that this state machine refines the requirement “PowerSourceManagment,” which will be elaborated in the requirements sub clause of this sample problem. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 State, StateMachine, StateMachine Diagram, Requirement HSUV sample problem black box, Object Constraint Language
EXAMPLE, INFO Note that this state machine was developed in conjunction with the DriveBlackBox interaction in Figure D.7. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 State, StateMachine, StateMachine Diagram, Interaction HSUV sample problem black box, Object Constraint Language
EXAMPLE, INFO Figure D.8 depicts the operational states of the HSUV block, via a State Machine named “HSUVOperationalStates.” OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 State, StateMachine, StateMachine Diagram HSUV sample problem black box, Object Constraint Language
INFO The operation oclIsInState(s) results in true if the object is in the state s. Possible states for the operation oclIsInState(s) are all states of the statemachine that defines the classifier's behavior. For nested states the statenames can be combined... Object Constraint Language Version 2.4 State, Classifier, StateMachine Object Constraint Language
EXAMPLE, INFO The conditions for each alternative in the alt controlSpeed sub clause are expressed in OCL, and relate to the states of the HybridSUV block, as shown in Figure D.8. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 State HSUV sample problem black box, Object Constraint Language
EXAMPLE, INFO “BlackBox” for the purpose of this example, refers to how the subject system (HybridSUV block) interacts only with outside elements, without revealing any interior detail. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 UseCase::subject HSUV sample problem black box
EXAMPLE, INFO Figure D.7 shows the interactions between driver and vehicle that are necessary for the “Drive the Vehicle” Use Case. This diagram represents the “DriveBlackBox” interaction, with [which] is owned by the AutomotiveDomain block. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 interaction diagram, Sequence Diagram, UseCase HSUV sample problem
EXAMPLE, INFO Maintenance, registration, and insurance of the vehicle would be covered under a separate set of goal-oriented use cases. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 UseCase, UseCase Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO Goal-level Use Cases associated with “Operate the Vehicle” are depicted in the following diagram. These use cases help flesh out the specific kind of goals associated with driving and parking the vehicle. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 UseCase, UseCase Diagram
NOTATION In cases where the metaclass of a subject is ambiguous, the keyword . corresponding to the notation for the metaclass of Classifier (see 9.2.4) shall be shown in guillemets above the name. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase Diagram, UseCase::subject, Classifier, «keyword», Stereotype, guillemets, metaclass
NOTATION Where a subject is a Classifier with a standard stereotype, the keyword for the stereotype shall be shown in guillemets above the name of the subject. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase Diagram, UseCase::subject, Classifier, «keyword», Stereotype, guillemets
NOTATION The same modeled UseCase may be visually depicted as separate ellipses within multiple subject rectangles. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase Diagram, UseCase::subject
NOTATION A subject for a set of UseCases (sometimes called a system boundary) may be shown as a rectangle with its name in the top-left corner, with the UseCase ellipses visually located inside this rectangle. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase Diagram, UseCase::subject
NOTATION A UseCase is shown as an ellipse, either containing the name of the UseCase or with the name of the UseCase placed below the ellipse. An optional stereotype keyword may be placed above the name. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase Diagram, «keyword», Stereotype
EXAMPLE, INFO The use case diagram for “Drive Vehicle” in Figure D.5 depicts the drive vehicle usage of the vehicle system. The subject (HybridSUV) and the actors (Driver, Registered Owner, Maintainer, Insurance Company, DMV) interact to realize the use case. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 UseCase, UseCase::subject, Actor, UseCase Diagram HSUV sample problem
INFO UseCase::subject : Classifier [0..*] ... The subjects to which this UseCase applies. Each subject or its parts realize all the UseCases that apply to it. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, Classifier, UseCase::subject, Classifier::useCase
INFO UseCase::include : Include [0..*]{subsets A_source_directedRelationship::directedRelationship, subsets Namespace::ownedMember} ... The Include relationships owned by this UseCase. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase::include, Include
INFO UseCase::extensionPoint : ExtensionPoint [0..*]{subsets Namespace::ownedMember} ... The ExtensionPoints owned by this UseCase. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase, UseCase::extensionPoint, ExtensionPoint
INFO A UseCase specifies a set of actions performed by its subjects, which yields an observable result that is of value for one or more Actors or other stakeholders of each subject. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase
INFO UseCase::extend : Extend [0..*]{subsets A_source_directedRelationship::directedRelationship, subsets Namespace::ownedMember} ... The Extend relationships owned by this UseCase. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 UseCase::extend, UseCase, Extend
EXAMPLE, INFO Note how the relationships in this diagram are also reflected in the Automotive Domain Model Block Definition Diagram, Figure D.15. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Connector, Association, Class context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram, SysML Block Definition Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO The associations among the classes may represent abstract conceptual relationships among the entities, which would be refined in subsequent diagrams. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Connector, Association, Class context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO Also, a background such as a map can be included to provide additional context. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 image context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO The spatial relationship of the entities on the diagram sometimes conveys understanding as well, although this is not specifically captured in the semantics. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO Each model element depicted may include a graphical icon to help convey its intended meaning. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 icon, Stereotype, image
EXAMPLE, INFO The «system» and «external» stereotypes are user defined, not specified in SysML, but help the modeler to identify the system of interest relative to its environment. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 context diagram, «system», «external»
EXAMPLE, INFO The entities are conceptual in nature during the initial phase of development, but will be refined as part of the development process. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO The diagram usage enables the modeler or methodologist to specify a unique usage of a SysML diagram type using the extension mechanism described in Annex A, “Diagrams.” OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO The term “context diagram,” in Figure D.4, refers to a user-defined usage of an internal block diagram, which depicts some of the top level entities in the overall enterprise and their relationships. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 context diagram, SysML Internal Block Diagram
EXAMPLE, INFO Note that the «view» models contain no model elements of their own, and that changes to the model in other packages are automatically updated in the Operational and Performance Views. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Package, ElementImport HSUV sample problem, View
EXAMPLE, INFO The relationship between the views (OperationalView and PerformanceView) and the rest of the user model are explicitly expressed using the «import» relationship. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Package, ElementImport HSUV sample problem, View
EXAMPLE, INFO Model elements are contained in packages, and relationships between packages (or specific model elements) are shown on this diagram. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Package HSUV sample problem
EXAMPLE, INFO The package diagram (Figure D.3) shows the structure of the model used to evaluate the sample problem. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Package HSUV sample problem
INFO Property::subsettedProperty : Property [0..*] ... The properties of which this Property is constrained to be a subset, if any. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Property, Property::subsettedProperty
INFO Then that set shall be included in (or the same as) a set calculated by eliminating duplicates from the collection of values denoted by the subsettedProperty in the same context. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Property, Property::subsettedProperty
INFO A Property may be marked as the subset of another subsettedProperty. In this case, calculate a set by eliminating duplicates from the collection of values denoted by the subsetting property in some context. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Property, Property::subsettedProperty
INFO A Property may be marked as being a derived union, by setting isDerivedUnion to true. This means that the collection of values denoted by the Property in some context is derived by being the strict union of all of the values denoted ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Property, Property::isDerivedUnion, Property::subsettedProperty
INFO Property::isDerivedUnion : Boolean [1..1] = false Specifies whether the property is derived as the union of all of the Properties that are constrained to subset it. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Property, Property::isDerivedUnion
INFO Action::/input : InputPin [0..*] ... The ordered set of InputPins representing the inputs to the Action. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Action, Action::/input, InputPin
INFO unit : InstanceSpecification [0..1] A unit, represented by an InstanceSpecification classified by a kind of SysML Unit, in terms of which the magnitudes of other quantities that have the same quantity kind can be stated. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 ValueType, ValueType::unit, QuantityKind
INFO quantityKind : InstanceSpecification [0..1] A kind of quantity, represented by an InstanceSpecification classified by a kind of SysML QuantityKind, that may be stated by means of units. A value type may optionally specify a quantity kind without any unit. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 ValueType, ValueType::quantityKind, QuantityKind
INFO A SysML ValueType may define its own properties and/or operations, just as for a UML DataType. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType, Property, Operation ValueType, Unit, QuantityKind
INFO A quantity kind is a kind of quantity that may be stated in terms of defined units, but does not restrict the selection of a unit to state the value. A unit is a particular value in terms of which a quantity of the same quantity kind may be expressed. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType, Unit, QuantityKind, ValueType::quantityKind, ValueType::unit
INFO SysML ValueType adds an ability to carry a unit of measure and quantity kind associated with the value. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType, Unit, QuantityKind
EXAMPLE, INFO More specific value types can define the concrete data representations that a digital computer can process, such as conventional Float, Integer, or String types. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType, Float, Integer, String
EXAMPLE, INFO For example, the SysML "Real" ValueType expresses the mathematical concept of a real number, but does not impose any restrictions on the precision or scale of a fixed or floating-point representation that expresses this concept. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType, Real
INFO SysML defines ValueType as a stereotype of UML DataType to establish a more neutral term for system values that may never be given a concrete data representation. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType
INFO Value types may be used to type properties, operation parameters, or potentially other elements within SysML. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType, Type, Property, Parameter ValueType
INFO Since a value cannot be identified except by means of the value itself, each such value within a model is independent of any other, unless other forms of constraints are imposed. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType
INFO A ValueType defines types of values that may be used to express information about a system, but cannot be identified as the target of any reference. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 DataType ValueType
EXAMPLE The explicit structural allocation between the original connectors of Figure D.19 and this new bus architecture is shown in Figure D.39. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Connector allocation, Allocate
EXAMPLE Figure D.22 continues the refinement of this Controller Area Network (CAN) bus architecture using ports. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Signal, Connector, Port FlowProperty, "standard" Port
EXAMPLE Figure D.21 is an incomplete first step in the refinement of this bus architecture, as it begins to specify the flow properties for InternalCombustionEngine, the Transmission, and the ElectricalPowerController. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Signal, Connector, Port FlowProperty, "standard" Port
EXAMPLE For purposes of example, the ports, flows, and related point-to-point connectors in Figure D.19 are being refined into a common bus architecture. For this example, ports with flow properties have been used to model the bus architecture. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Signal, Connector, Port FlowProperty, "standard" Port, HSUV sample problem
EXAMPLE This single signal carries the temperature, rpm, and knockSensor information of the engine. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.6 Signal
CONSTRAINT If the primary incoming edge of a DecisionNode is a ControlFlow, then all outgoing edges shall be ControlFlows and, if the primary incoming edge is an ObjectFlow, then all outgoing edges shall be ObjectFlows. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ControlNode, ActivityEdge, ActivityNode::incoming, primary incoming edge, ControlFlow, ObjectFlow
SEMANTIC If it has two incoming edges, then one shall be identified as the decisionInputFlow, the other being called the primary incoming edge. If the DecisionNode has only one incoming edge, then it is the primary incoming edge. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ControlNode, ActivityEdge, ActivityNode::incoming, primary incoming edge, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow
SEMANTIC A DecisionNode shall have at least one and at most two incoming ActivityEdges, and at least one outgoing ActivityEdge. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ControlNode, ActivityNode::outgoing, ActivityNode::incoming, ActivityEdge
SEMANTIC Decision Nodes - A DecisionNode is a ControlNode that chooses between outgoing flows. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ControlNode, token, ActivityNode::outgoing, ObjectFlow, ControlFlow
CONSTRAINT A decisionInput Behavior has no out parameters, no inout parameters, and one return parameter. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, Behavior, DecisionNode::decisionInput, Behavior::inputParameters(), Behavior::outputParameters(), Behavior::ownedParameter, Parameter, Parameter::direction, ParameterDirectionKind::in, ParameterDirectionKind::out, ParameterDirectionKind::inout, ParameterDirectionKind::return
CONSTRAINT incoming_control_one_input_parameter If the DecisionNode has a decisionInputFlow and an incoming ControlFlow, then any decisionInput Behavior has one in Parameter ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ActivityEdge, ActivityNode::incoming, ControlFlow, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow, DecisionNode::decisionInput, Parameter, Parameter::direction, ParameterDirectionKind::in, Behavior::inputParameters(), Behavior, TypedElement, object token, token, TypedElement::type, Type
CONSTRAINT DecisionNode::incoming_outgoing_edges A DecisionNode has one or two incoming ActivityEdges and at least one outgoing ActivityEdge. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ActivityEdge, ActivityNode::incoming, ActivityNode::outgoing
CONSTRAINT two_input_parameters If the DecisionNode has a decisionInputFlow and a second incoming ObjectFlow, then any decisionInput has two in Parameters ... Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ObjectFlow, ObjectNode, ActivityNode::incoming, ActivityEdge, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow, TypedElement, object token, token, TypedElement::type, Type
CONSTRAINT decision_input_flow_incoming The decisionInputFlow of a DecisionNode must be an incoming ActivityEdge of the DecisionNode. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ControlFlow, ObjectNode, ActivityNode::incoming, ActivityEdge, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow
CONSTRAINT DecisionNode::edges The ActivityEdges incoming to and outgoing from a DecisionNode, other than the decisionInputFlow (if any), must be either all ObjectFlows or all ControlFlows. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, ControlFlow, ObjectNode, ActivityNode::incoming, ActivityEdge, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow
CONSTRAINT zero_input_parameters If the DecisionNode has no decisionInputFlow and an incoming ControlFlow, then any decisionInput Behavior has no in parameters. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow, ControlFlow, DecisionNode::decisionInput, Behavior, Parameter, ParameterDirectionKind::in, ActivityNode::incoming, Behavior::ownedParameter, Behavior::inputParameters()
INFO decisionInputFlow : ObjectFlow [0..1] ... An additional ActivityEdge incoming to the DecisionNode that provides a decision input value for the guards ValueSpecifications on ActivityEdges outgoing from the DecisionNode. Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 DecisionNode, DecisionNode::decisionInputFlow, ControlNode, ActivityEdge, ObjectFlow, ValueSpecification, ActivityEdge::guard