Icon class icon_class far fa-sticky-note icon_class_computed far fa-sticky-note Note kind COMPLICATION TIP WARNING Policy level INFORMATIVE Specification keywords SysML-1.6 SysML-1.7 SysPhS-1.1 Keywords Modelica Modelica::equation SysPhS MagicDraw SysML MD SysML Cameo Systems Modeler SysML Systems Modeling Language MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: GOTCHA: A Constraint created and applied to a ConstraintBlock via the sidebar menu is NOT owned by the ConstraintBlock! Relates to Related notes [COMPLICATION, FEATURE, MODELLING, TIP, TOOL, WARNING]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: GOTCHA: A Constraint created and applied to a ConstraintBlock via the sidebar menu is NOT owned by the ConstraintBlock! Related notes (backlinks) [GOTCHA, ISSUE, TOOL, WARNING]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw/Cameo v19SP3+SysPhS-1.1: Does not cleanly export INLINE Modelica 'if/then/else' statements (a.k.a. "switching" form) [ISSUE, TOOL, WARNING]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw/Cameo v19SP3 vs SysML&SysPhS: Export to Modelica: The exported layout annotations appear to be completely broken (at least vs Wolfram SystemModeler) just de-select generation of them on export. [GOTCHA, ISSUE, MODELLING, TIP, WARNING]{INFORMATIVE} GOTCHA: MagicDraw SysML/Cameo 19SP3: Export to Modelica: The name of a redefining Property must be exactly the same as the Property it redefines or it will not export properly! [TIP, TOOL]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw SysML/Cameo: SysPhS: Export to Modelica: It does not seem to matter whether you give the language of Constraints as 'Modelica' or 'sysphs' (although SysPhS specifies a restricted SysPhS expression grammar) Related snippets (extracts) Visit also SysPhS zone (SysML Extension for Physical Interaction and Signal Flow Simulation) Modelica zone Visit also (backlinks) Flags