Icon class icon_class far fa-file-alt icon_class_computed far fa-file-alt Keywords fUML execution simulation Specification keywords fUML-1.4 Copyright information About Object Management Group copyright in text extracts quoted from OMG specifications for educational purposes Snippets (quotes/extracts) The sole mechanism for asynchronous invocation in fUML is via send signal action. This can be used to achieve the effect of broadcasting and sending objects. Variables are excluded from fUML because the passing of data between actions can be achieved using object flows. ActivityEdge [1] fuml_activity_edge_allowed_guards A guard is only allowed if the source of the edge is a DecisionNode. ValuePin – Value pins are excluded from fUML because they are redundant with using value specifications to specify values. LoopNode [1] fuml_loop_node_no_setup_part no setupParts in fUML self.setupPart->isEmpty() If isControlType=true for an ObjectNode, ControlFlows may be incoming to and outgoing from the ObjectNode, objects tokens can come into or go out of the ObjectNode along ControlFlows, and these tokens can flow along ControlFlows reached downstream ... The values on such object tokens may be used to affect the control of ExecutableNodes that are the targets of such ControlFlows, though the specific meaning of such values is not defined in this specification fUML1.4: CreateObjectAction [1] fuml_create_object_action_is_class: The given classifier must be a class. self.classifier.oclIsKindOf(Class) fUML1.4: ExpansionNode: [2] fuml_expansion_node_no_crossing_edges: Edges may not cross into or out of an expansion region. EnumerationValue: An enumeration value is a value whose (single) type is an enumeration. Its literal must be an owned literal of its type. InterruptibleRegion – Interruptible regions are excluded from fUML because they are considered to be more appropriate for “higher level” process modeling and outside the scope of fUML. External links https://www.omg.org/spec/FUML/1.4/PDF https://www.omg.org/spec/FUML/1.4/About-FUML/ Visit also fUML zone Unified Modeling Language 2.5.1 Visit also (backlinks) SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO Handle a timeout for a Signal send/receive: Strategy: StructuredActivityNode with AcceptEventAction + TimeEvent [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO Handle a timeout for a Signal send/receive: Strategy: TimeEvent on Transition [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO send a Signal via a nested Port using Action Language Helper (ALH) [with mini video] SysMLv1.7/fUMLv1.4: Cameo Simulation Toolkit v2024x: Using an extending Enumeration literal as a parameter argument value runs but a WARN is issued. SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Cases for StateMachine Transitions with 'effect' Behaviors and/or States with 'entry' Behaviors triggered by a Signal with an attribute [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: Cases for Transitions triggered by Signals sent direct to a remote target vs via Ports [with mini video] SysMLv1: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: HOWTO handle sending and receiving families of related Signal types with reuse of send/receive and processing logic [with mini video] fUML1.4: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: LIMITATION: CreateObjectAction is not allowed to instantiate a UML DataType or a SysMLValueType, only a Class as the CreateObjectAction::classifier! WORKAROUND: Use a ValueSpecificationAction instead with an instance. OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.7beta1 On OMG copyright in text extracts and figures reproduced for educational purposes Action Language for Foundational UML 1.1 fUML only covers a subset of Unified Modeling Language with semantics for execution and an extended event and notification model Flags