Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: Webel's ultimate guide to Systems Modeling Language (v1) with MagicDraw/Cameo Section 01:03: UML Behavior: StateMachines quick start Tags and keywords Topic level ESSENTIAL UML keywords StateMachine StateMachine Diagram State Transition Transition::effect State::entry State::exit State::doActivity Activity Behavior Keywords UML Unified Modeling Language Slide kind UML StateMachine Diagram NOTATION REFERENCE ONLY: This diagram is not meant to be executable! Click on the image to view it full size MagicDraw/Cameo: GOTCHA: ‘entry’, ‘exit’, ‘doActivity’ are all subsets of ‘ownedElement’; to use an existing Activity without changing its owner you need to create a “wrapper” Activity. Beware the tool does not simply move your Activity! Up next Composite state entry and exit points Notes [TOOL, WARNING]{INFORMATIVE} MagicDraw/Cameo: GOTCHA: ‘entry’, ‘exit’, ‘doActivity’ are all subsets of ‘ownedElement’; to use an existing Activity without changing its owner you need to create a “wrapper” Activity. Beware the tool does not simply move your Activity! Snippets (quotes/extracts) [UML-2.5.1] A State may have an associated entry Behavior. This Behavior, if defined, is executed whenever the State is entered through an external Transition. [UML-2.5.1] In addition, a State may also have an associated exit Behavior, which, if defined, is executed whenever the State is exited. [UML-2.5.1] A State may also have an associated doActivity Behavior. This Behavior commences execution when the State is entered (but only after the State entry Behavior has completed) and executes concurrently with any other Behaviors that may be associated ... [UML-2.5.1] ... if a doActivity Behavior is defined for the State, this Behavior commences execution immediately after the entry Behavior is executed. It executes concurrently with any subsequent Behaviors associated with entering the State, such as the entry ... [UML-2.5.1] When exiting a State, regardless of whether it is simple or composite, the final step involved in the exit, after all other Behaviors associated with the exit are completed, is the execution of the exit Behavior of that State. [UML-2.5.1] If the State has a doActivity Behavior that is still executing when the State is exited, that Behavior is aborted before the exit Behavior commences execution. Related slides (includes other tutorials) UML2 StateMachine - metaclasses - ADVANCED REFERENCE ONLY StateMachine diagram for comparing action language access to an operation for a guard Overview: Controller class (and its Activity), Dialer Class (and its StateMachine), Number class StateMachine for the Dialer class Behavior StateMachines can be used to specify any of the following The number.append Activity as entry Behavior for the PartialDial State The number.print Activity as exit Behavior for the PartialDial State Figure D.8 - Finite State Machine Associated with “Drive the Vehicle” Figure 13-1: Block definition diagram with state machines as blocks associated with submachines and types of parameters Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also HOWTO simulate UML-2.5.1 'Figure 14.7 Composite State with two States' in Cameo Simulation Toolkit - Operation-driven Transition case study Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with entry Activity and Transition guard Screencast: Mini tutorial: UML/SysML: Cameo Simulation Toolkit: StateMachine with doActivity and a Transition with a ChangeEvent trigger Screencast: Tutorial: UML/SysML: StateMachines vs Activities: Operation-driven Transition case study - UML-2.5.1 'Figure 14.7 Composite State with two States' in Cameo Simulation Toolkit StateMachine diagram for comparing action language access to an operation for a guard Visit also (backlinks) Screencast: UML/SysML: HOWTO Consume a SignalEvent message in a StateMachine Transition 'effect' or State 'entry' or 'exit' Activity UML/SysML: HOWTO Consume a SignalEvent message in a StateMachine Transition 'effect' or State 'entry' or 'exit' Activity Flags Book traversal links for Effect, Entry, Do, Exit Previous Up Next