Activity: DialN(n:int)

Let's examine first the lowest level Activity, which we can write much like an operation signature as DialN(n:int[1]), indicating also its required input Parameter n:int[1], which maps to an ActivityParameterNode of the same name as shown in the Activity Diagram:
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The rest of the flow is, in order:
  • An InitialNode.
  • A ReadSelfAction that will retrieve the Controller context instance.
  • A ReadStructuralFeatureAction that will retrieve the dialer:Dialer instance from the Controller.
  • A CallOperationAction that will invoke the operation digit(n:int) in that Dialer taking an n:int as input Parameter.

One aim of this tutorial is to then see how invoking that Operation causes a Transition in a StateMachine of another object, but let's see first, how this Activity is used in a higher level Activity, as shown next .

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