
Video+Music: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: FX visuals accompanied by “The One Key” orchestral electro instrumental


Big, big, wow! Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly), this stunning new video compilation features visual FX combined with photos and videos of the incredible Drancel lighting system.

Simply breathtaking! View it on your best display full screen or projected, and listen in headphones or on your best speakers.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: “Still Bohemian gallery mix”: Swarovski study


A meditative presentation of macro photography stills from a study of gorgeous Swarovski pieces created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly).

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: “Manifold stills gallery mix”


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly), this fabulous new "gallery space" long play video mix is a breath-taking collation of some of the best of the high resolution macro-photography studies from this incredible and unique lighting system.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: “Multi Mind Set #2”: Gallery space still mix


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly), this meditative new "gallery space" video compiled from a high resolution macro-photography study of multiple subjects with a powerful new version of this incredible lighting system.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: “Multi Mind Set #1”: Gallery space video mix


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAY (Darren R C Kelly), this stunning, vibrant new "gallery space" video compilation features multiple subjects and a powerful new version of this incredible lighting system.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: “Macro Grand Vase”: Gallery space still mix


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAY (Dr Darren Kelly), this meditative new "gallery space" video compiled from a high resolution macro-photography study of an old crystal vase.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: “Grand Vase”: Gallery space video mix


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly), this stunning, vibrant new "gallery space" video compilation is a study of an old crystal vase.

Video: A GreenDesk mini-tutorial: Terminology: Login User vs. Author (user profile) vs. Actor (human resource role)


GreenDesk® has features for managing the team members of a project. It distinguishes between Login Users (who have access to GreenDesk and have one or more pre-defined 'access roles') and Actor elements (human resource roles on a real-world project, which can be created freely, and can be allocated to GreenDesk activities to help track credit completion for project management).

Video: A GreenDesk mini-tutorial: Understanding login users and role-based access: Case: A ‘concrete’ user in GreenDesk for Green Star


In GreenDesk®, a single 'login user' may have more than one 'user role'. User roles determine which features the user may access and what model data may be viewed and edited. This tutorial explores the case of a 'concrete' user (such as an authorised 3rd-party concrete supplier) accessing credits related to concrete.

Video: A GreenDesk mini-tutorial: How to allocate Activities (tasks) to Actors (human resource roles) for project management [SILENT]


In GreenDesk®, points towards the Credits of green rating schemes and industry standards are earned by completing one or more Activities (tasks), which can be allocated to one or more Actors (human resource roles) for project management.

This video shows how GreenDesk Activities (tasks) can be easily allocated to Actors (human resource roles) from many page views and tables involving Activities.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: Swarovski study: Gallery space video mix: Part 2


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAY (Dr Darren Kelly), this new "gallery" video compilation is a study of three crystal pieces from Swarovski.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: Swarovski study: Gallery space video mix: Part 1: “Temple of Heaven”


Created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly), this new "gallery" video compilation is a study of the lovely Temple of Heaven crystal piece from Swarovski - inspired by the famous Hall of Prayers for Good Harvests (祈年殿) monument from the Forbidden City complex of Beijing.

Video: 4K: Drancel Chromæsthesia: ‘It’s a crystal world !’ Swarovski dedication: Part 2


A dedication to Swarovski created with the amazing Drancel Chromæsthesia body motion light synthesis system invented by PLAYlogo (Darren R C Kelly).