Webel: Mathematica: CONVENTION: The Stereotype keyword «functional» indicates a "pseudo functional" representation of functional in SysML. There are limits to representation of functional programming in SysML, but it can be informative and is worth doing.

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In Webel SysML4Mathematica (v1) the custom Stereotype «functional» indicates a "pseudo functional" representation of functional in SysML. There are limits to representation of functional programming in SysML, but it can be informative and is worth doing.

Simply passing a function Symbol around as an argument is easy. The tricky part is representing specific invocations of functions, especially when the number of arguments accepted by various injected functions differs, and where the return "type" varies, as it often can with Wolfram Language. In some cases this can be handled using an OpaqueBehavior with more than one 'out' Parameter.

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