Webel vs Mathematica: The Very Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Webel IT Australia promotes the amazing Mathematica tool and the powerful Wolfram Language and offers professional Mathematica services for computational computing and data analysis. Our Mathematica tips, issue tracking, and wishlist is offered here most constructively to help improve the tool and language and support the Mathematica user community.
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Obviously, Mathematica is simple extraordinary for maths! This significance of this is not always appreciated by some IT Project Managers. As Dr Darren says:

However, when it comes to using Mathematica as a replacement for less powerful coding languages on large scale projects, there are some considerations.

Pro: The good (and where Mathematica is good, it's very very good):

Con: The bad and the ugly:

And some useful resources: Visit also the main list of tips and issues tracking for Mathematica.
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