Gallery Tutorial TRAIL: A SysML Pattern for Digital Twinning Section Tags and keywords Topic level INTERMEDIATE Keywords Webel Twin Pattern sensor actuator Slide kind SysML Internal Block Diagram (IBD) An Internal Block Diagram (IBD) for flow control in a «twin» PipeDigitalTwin: Click on the image to view it full size Up next 15: Example: Office building with blinds and lights affecting temperature and energy consumption Notes [CONVENTION]{SUBJECT-TO-CHANGE} Webel: Convention: [MIGHT CHANGE]: An '@' prefix in a DigitalTwin model indicates a «digital» Block that maps a non-digital «mappable» Block. [POLICY]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: A DigitalTwin must model processes and the entities they act on separately. [POLICY]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: It is a DigitalEntity (a.k.a. @Entity) - not the DigitalTwin that owns it - that directly «replicates» geometrical, spatial, and material aspects (only) of a single PhysicalEntity. [POLICY]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: A DigitalTwin manages a control loop including a PhysicalEntity and a DigitalEntity (a.k.a. @Entity) that «replicates» it. It typically includes at least one Sensor and at least one Actuator. [POLICY]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: The primary aim of the digitalEntity:@Entity of a DigitalTwin is to replicate its physical:PhysicalEntity as closely as possible (not to explore variants). [POLICY]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: A DigitalTwin may use one or more variantEntity:@Entity[0..*] to explore the impact of changes (optimisation studies, trade off studies) and then use them to drive the PhysicalEntity into a desired state (via its ControlSystem). [POLICY]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: Communication between the ControlSystem of a DigitalTwin and its digitalEntity:@Entity is via a dedicated protocol (ReadTwin, WriteTwin) distinct from the sensor reading or actuator driving signals. [ASSERTION]{STRICT} Webel Twin Pattern: A DigitalEntity (a.k.a. «digital» @Entity) used as a digital variant must not be directly bound to a «physical» PhysicalEntity (may not directly actuate/sense/affect) Snippets (quotes/extracts) Digital twins are dynamic, data driven, multi-dimensional digital replicas of a physical entity. They encompass potential or actual physical assets, processes, people, places, systems, devices and the natural environment. In contrast to traditional digital models, digital twins can connect with the physical ‘twin’ they model, changing alongside the physical system via real-time sensors and actuators. Related slides (includes other tutorials) Related slides (backlinks, includes other tutorials) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for 14: IBD for PipeDigitalTwin flow control Previous Up Next