Webel: SysML4Mathematica: A custom stereotype «M:Paclet» applied to a SysML Package denotes a Wolfram Package Paclet. An «M:Package» is a specialisation of SysMLv1 Block and denotes a Wolfram Language Package.
Webel: SysML4Mathematica: A SysML/UML Usage (keyword «uses») is used to indicate a Wolfram Package Needs import, where an «M:Package» is a specialisation of Block (not a SysML/UML Package) and denotes a Wolfram Language Package.
Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: 'Q: Do I have to use these EX$Val scalar "atom" thingies and the EX$Row, EX$RowList, and EX$RowMap? Can't I just use Wolfram Language Lists and Associations?' A: Of course you can also use the basic Wolfram Language!
Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: An EX$Val has concise methods for testing the type of its wrapped '$$' value: isR, isI, isB, isQ, isS. These may be used in ADT "constructor" type tests.
Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: The validity of the type of a wrapped '$$' value of an EX$Val may be checked in ADT "constructors" which have type checking utility support. This strategy has been chosen over sub-types of EX$Val.
Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: There does not seem to be a way to register ::usage specific to a Webel ADT-Method (TagSetDelayed UpValue). The Webel libraries offer method documentation support via the HelpO` class/method registry.
Webel: Mathematica: The Method syntax for the user contributed MTools does not seem to support Method-specific ::usage. The Webel libraries offer method documentation support (including arguments and options) via the HelpO` class/method registry.
Webel: Mathematica: The Method syntax for the user contributed MTools does not seem to support Wolfram Language Options[]. The Webel MTools extensions offer options support via a Webel Options Association in combination with the HelpO` method registry.
Webel Twin Pattern: Convention: [MIGHT CHANGE]: A '*' prefix in a Property name of a «digital» @Block in a DigitalTwin model indicates a mapped block property, which must be typed by a non-digital «mappable» Block, and must have the «@» keyword applied.
Webel: Convention: [MIGHT CHANGE]: An '@' prefix in a DigitalTwin model indicates a «digital» Block that maps a non-digital «mappable» Block.