Overview of major Package Diagrams for the optical telescopes model

A composite mosaic of the major Package Diagrams of most of the model elements elicited in this trail section:
Click on the image to view it full size

Note that some of the Package Diagrams shown expose for convenience some of the features of Blocks in compartments; under Webel Best Practice this is usually done instead in dedicated "focus" BDDs for main blocks.

I hope you'll agree that it's impressive just how systematically the  Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML® helps collect and organise model elements, their features, and hierarchies.

This concludes for now our journey through application of the  Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML® to Wikipedia article descriptions of amateur level telescopes. Stay tuned for more sections, expanding this model to the aplanatic Gregorian multi-mirror Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT).


Hopefully you've enjoyed seeing how one can systematically map text from source domain documents to create progressively accurate SysML models using the compelling  Webel Parsing Analysis recipe for SysML®, a method that Dr Darren has also applied with great success to many real-world tasks from industry, construction, engineering, science and education.

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