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Any NewtonianReflector
is characterised by having a FlatMirror
as its secondary
, but there are two types, the ParabolicNewtonianReflector
with a concave ParabolicMirror
as primary
and the SphericalNewtonianReflector
with a concave SphericalMirror
as primary
One snippet refers to a 'telescope tube'. It is assumed here that any ReflectingTelescope
has exactly one part property tube:Tube[1]
, although this name glosses over the details somewhat. In the 17th century there were refractors called aerial telescopes used by the Huygens brothers that had two short tubes and a large air gap to achieve long focal lengths, with the two short tubes connected by taught strings. Some collapsible Dobsonian mount Newtownian reflectors have more of a cage-like truss tube.
Because the part property tube:Tube[1]
has AggregationKind composite it is directly involved in the part/assembly composition hierarchy. We'll see later how it will in turn compose assemblies for the primary mirror, secondary mirror, eyepiece etc.
Light has to get in an out of the Tube
, so it has ports iLight
and oLight
(this will also serve fine for the hole behind the hole of the primary mirrors of Gregorian and Cassegrain reflectors).
We also have a new ValueType FocalRatio
and a value property fRatio
Because focalLength
is "optional" (not necessarily applicable) for every kind of OpticalElement
, the multiplicity of fRatio
in OpticalElement
is [0..1], whereas in OpticalTelescope
it is fRatio:FocalRatio[1]
. Note how OpticalTelescope
has now also been given a diameter {aka="aperture"}
And one snippet refers to 'high visual resolution', which suggests a ValueType VisualResolution
and OpticalTelescope
now has a value property resolution:VisualResolution
, although it is not specified what resolution counts as "high".