Icon class icon_class far fa-sticky-note icon_class_computed far fa-sticky-note Note kind CONVENTION STYLE Policy level RECOMMENDED Keywords Webel Best Practice Relates to WaterProcessingPlant - FlowProperty and ItemFlow example with Ports - type staging SimpleOpticalTelescope light flow model: staging BDD and context IBD KeplerianRefractor: simple image flow model: staging BDD Webel Radio Net: 'radio' SysML Package Diagram with high level view of Port types for 'Radio' Signals Webel Radio Net: The RadioMessage Signals Related notes [POLICY] For Blocks and Interface blocks with one or more FlowProperty items, choose a direction convention and use it across one project. Related notes (backlinks) [CONVENTION, NAMING, STYLE]{STRONG} FlowProperty naming. Use anonymous or just 'i' for in, 'o' for out, and 'io' (or 'oi') for inout. "Trust the Type". For conjugation ~InterfaceBlock use 'o' for in, 'i' for out, and 'io' (or 'oi') for inout. Related snippets (extracts) Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags Book traversal links for In most Webel examples, the default is chosen to be 'out' if there is a single FlowProperty, so a Port with the type applied will act as a source. If an InterfaceBlock is used, then a Port typed by the conjugating ~InterfaceBlock will act as a sink. Previous Up Next