Mathematica: GOTCHA: If you pull an EntityStore from a CloudObject with PersistentSymbol it caches and will not update if invoked again even if the CloudObject for the EntityStore has changed. Use instead CloudGet.

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Assume you do the following in a local Notebook:
store = PersistentSymbol["store", PersistenceLocation["Cloud"]];

Then elsewhere (such as via a Cloud Notebook) you make changes to the store then push them back to the CloudObject (which changes you can view by loading the CloudObject page).

If you execute the following then inspect an Entity that was changed via elsewhere its values will not have changed:

store = PersistentSymbol["type", PersistenceLocation["Cloud"]];

There is some kind of caching going on. Maybe there is some "official" way of refreshing it, but one easy workaround is to use CloudGet instead and access the un-held EntityStore the pulled expression contains as [[1]][[1]]:

store$get = CloudGet[""][[1]][[1]];
If you now inspect an Entity you changed via elsewhere it will express that change in your local Notebook.
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