Mathematica: GOTCHA: Setting the value of a property of an Entity using EntityValue[e,"property"] where 'e' is an Entity does NOT work with a relational database backed EntityStore, which undermines half the point of a relational database bridge!

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If you have a purely expression-based EntityStore in a Notebook, the following sets the value of a "property" for an Entity 'e':
EntityValue[e, "property"] = value

But not so for relational database backed EntityStore!:

Set::write: Tag EntityValue in EntityValue[...,.. is Protected.
In other words, of CRUD = (C)reate-(R)ead-(U)pdate-(D)elete you only get (R)ead (query), which undermines half the point of a database bridge!

You have to use raw SQL with ExternalEvaluate. Not cool.

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