Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: Webel ADT-Methods support Wolfram Language Options[] as TagSetDelayed UpValues (but there are some pros and cons). Webel ADT-Methods work with the Webel HelpO` class/method registry, including rich help on options.

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Whilst Wolfram Language Options[] with an OptionsPattern can be used on a TagSetDelayed "method" of a Webel ADT, there is at least one minor complication, namely, the Options are not then method specific, so care has to be taken that the same ADT-Method name is not used more than once in an application and for more than one Webel ADT pseudo class.

The Webel libraries offer rich documentation support for Options[] of an ADT-Method through the HelpO` class/method registry.

SECTION: The Webel Doc` package and the HelpF, HelpO`& HelpM` help registry packages
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