Icon class icon_class_computed fas fa-book Keywords thermal expansion valve TXV The external links provided below may help you better understand the following Webel IT Australia SysML trail and video: TRAIL: SysML: Simple model of an air conditioner with a refrigerant cycle and StateMachine driven by Activities in MagicDraw/Cameo Screencast: SysML/MBSE: An air conditioner refrigerant cycle in Cameo Simulation Toolkit Notes Relevant snippets (from other sources) Visit also Screencast: SysML/MBSE: An air conditioner refrigerant cycle in Cameo Simulation Toolkit Visit also (backlinks) IBD: Context for SimpleDomesticInverterAirCon - detailed External links https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_expansion_valve Video: Thermal Expansion Valve TXV [instructional from TheEngineeringMindset] How TXV works - Thermostatic expansion valve working principle, HVAC Basics vrv… Thermostatic Expansion Valves Theory of Operation, Application, and Selection Flags