Mathematica: Webel ADT pseudo classes: A tricky POLICY & CONVENTION: Client packages MUST access the special "wrapped" primary named ADT-parameter '$$' via $ContextAliases! The recommended alias is "A`" (which stands of course for ADT).

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This is the big trick for making the Webel recipe for ADT pseudo classes easily reusable and easy to code against, and works together with: The pattern is (adapt as needed):
   (* ... other required ...*)

$ContextAliases["A`"] =.; (*!!*)
$ContextAliases["A`"] = "Webel`ADT`ADT`;

Note how the $ContextAliases gets cleared just for A` first! Otherwise you'll get a message if you use the same trick in another package.

Example: A package-specific ADT sub-class MY$String within client package MY`:

pattern = adt$def$ADT[
    "Simple ADT String handler example",
    True (*!isAllSuper*)
MY$String /: stringLength[pattern] := StringLength[A`$$];
Note the use of A`$$ everywhere throughout the client package! Dr Darren says:
I'm really not into claims of "magical" serendipity, but having the term Abstract Data Type start with an 'A' is rather handy.

If you examine Context[$$] you'll find it is in fact Webel`ADT`ADT`$$ (or as adapted). This enables one to pass a 'pattern' involving '$$' cleanly to super definers.

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