
Webel Mathematica libraries: An AOR (Arguments, Options, Rules) Map is a "triplet" Association for any number of given Webel convention '$arg$' argument and '$opt$' option help holders. It has keys mapping to each of:
  • Key '$k$args': An Association of help Rules for '$arg$' arguments.
  • Key '$k$opts': An Association of help Rules for '$opt$' options.
  • Key '$k$wl$opts': A List of Wolfram Language Options[] Rules.

It is available to packages that import Doc` and makes maintenance of consistent documentation MUCH easier, and also ensures documentation is in sync with Wolfram Language Options[].

The aorMap HoldAll function creates an AOR Map Association from any Sequence of '$arg$' and/or '$opt$' help holder variables.

It can can be used both with the usageF function from the HelpF` package to create ::usage Strings and with addFunction for the HelpF` package function help registry.

An AOR Map offers a high degree of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) reuse of help and options and arguments information in lower-level packages (without relying on MTools).

For full help integration using MTools visit MArg, MOpt, MFunction, MClass, and MMethod.