SysMLv1.7: A port MAY be typed by a ValueType (and validates in Cameo Systems Modeler) but this is NOT recommended best practice. Prefer a Block or InterfaceBlock with a directed FlowProperty typed by a ValueType.

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In SysMLv1.7, a port MAY be typed by a ValueType. There is no constraint that prevents it, and it validates in Magic Cyber-Systems Engineer® (Cameo Systems Modeler®).

But using a ValueType as the type of a port is NOT recommended best practice

Prefer a Block or InterfaceBlock with a directed FlowProperty typed by a ValueType.

Use of a ValueType to type a port is related to the DEPRECATED concept of an atomic flow port (as opposed to a nonatomic flow port typed by the DEPRECATED FlowSpecification). See annex C.3.2.2 FlowPort of the SysMLv1.7 specification.

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