Icon class icon_class fas fa-quote-left icon_class_computed fas fa-quote-left Related content Source OMG Systems Modeling Language (SysML) 1.7 Copyright information About Object Management Group copyright in text extracts quoted from OMG specifications for educational purposes Snippet kind INFO UML keywords Association Previous snippet The supported variety of notations for associations and association annotations has been reduced to simplify the burden of teaching, learning, and interpreting SysML diagrams for the systems engineering user. Full quote Notational and metamodel support for n-ary associations and qualified associations has been excluded from SysML. Next snippet The use of navigation arrowheads on an association has been simplified by excluding the case of arrowheads on both ends, and requiring that such an association always be shown without arrowheads on either end. Related snippets SysML also supports properties with shared aggregation, as shown by a white diamond symbol on an association. SysML defines defaults for multiplicities on the ends of specific types of associations. A part or shared association has a default multiplicity of [0..1] on the black or white diamond end. A unidirectional association has a default multiplicity of 1 on its target end. Activities as blocks can have associations between each other, including composition associations. Composition means that destroying an instance at the whole end destroys instances at the part end. Associations can be used between activities and classifiers (blocks or value types) that are the type of object nodes, variables, or parameters in the activity, as shown in Figure 11-5. Ownership of Association ends by an associated Classifier may be indicated graphically by a small filled circle, which for brevity we will term a dot. Related snippets (backlinks) An “X” on a single end of an association to indicate that an end is not navigable has similarly been dropped, as has the use of a small filled dot at the end of an association to indicate that the end is owned by the associated classifier. Visit also Visit also (backlinks) Flags